Frontend Mentor - QR code component solution by Maame

This is a solution to the QR code component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents




My process

Built with

  • HTML5
  • SASS
  • JavaScript
  • Mobile-first workflow

What I learned

Working on this project helped me practice SASS. I have been using regular CSS for a long time and I decided to give SASS a try because I had seen it so many times. It is a much simpler way of writing CSS and I think I built this project much faster than I would have with regular CSS. The main learning highlight for me in this project was using mixins to check for the user theme preference. See code below.

@mixin darkmode {
    @if (darkmode) {
        @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {

You can find more details on how I used this in my SASS file in this repository. Dark mode wasn't included in the project but I decided to include that as a stretch goal. Also because I LOVE all my apps in dark mode.

This is an update: So after submitting my project, I had errors in my HTML and decided to ask the Frontend Mentor community for help and I learnt about how accessibility isn't all about passing validation tests. I also realised the button I used for toggling the light and dark mode(a Font Awesome icon in an <i> tag which I added an event listener to) wasn't exacltly accessible so I went with a suggestion someone made which I found really useful - Wrapping a <button> tag around it and adding an aria-label attribute that describes what the button does. I used CSS to remove the button style to still maintain the aesthetics of the icon I wanted and added the event listener to the button instead. See code below:

    <button title="toggle dark or light mode" aria-label="toggle dark or light mode">
      <i class="fa-solid fa-sun"></i>

Continued development

I'd want to learn more about using SASS in building projects. Especially conditionals. I don't think I'll be going back to regular CSS anytime soon. LOL.

Useful resources

These resources were useful in helping me build this project
