Altschool GitHub Portfolio Exam Project

This is a solution to the GitHub Portfolio exam project given by AltSchool Africa School of Software Engineering tutors.

Table of contents


Project question

Implement an API fetch of your GitHub portfolio, show a page with a list of all your repositories on GitHub(the page should implement pagination for the repo list), and create another page showing data for a single repo clicked from the list of repos using nested routes while using all the necessary tools in react. Implement the proper SEO, Error Boundary (show a page to test the error boundary) and 404 pages. Good UI and Designs are important.


Home page

Screenshot (60)

Details Page

Screenshot (61)

Error Page

Screenshot (62)


My process

Built with

  • React commponents, props, useState, useEffect, createBrowserRouter, fetch API

What I learned

  • How to fetch data from an external source using fetch()
  • Adding routes to react apps using React Router v6
  • Implementing SEO using meta
  • Depolying React Routed sites to netlify
  • Implementing pagination using the GitHub API
  • Creating error boundaries and implementing error pages

Continued development

This was my first time working with most of the concepts I used in building the project. I plan to learn more about APIs, React Hooks and implementing SEOs.

Useful resources

These resources were useful in helping me build this project
