
Catalog for aggregating CDK Constructs

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CDK Construct Catalog

Actions Status

The CDK Construct Catalog (https://awscdk.io) is an index of multi-language AWS CDK libraries.

This is a community project and is not officially supported by AWS.

The service watches npmjs and every time it discovers a new npm jsii module with the keyword cdk, it will automatically render a reference documentation web page for it and tweet about it through the @awscdkio handle. For example, see the page for cdk-secrets@0.4.1 and it's corresponding tweet.

Searching for modules

At the moment, you can simply use Twitter to search the catalog. Simply include the term "@awscdkio" in your Twitter search query. For example, here are the results for the query "@awscdkio dynamodb".

Publishing modules

The Construct Catalog will automatically discover jsii multi-language modules published to npm with the cdk keyword.

  1. Create a new jsii project, we recommend projen:
$ npx projen new jsii
  1. Edit your .projenrc.js file and add language specific configuration. See watchful as an example.

  2. Additional configuration options can be specified through the awscdkio section in your package.json file:

    • twitter (string): a Twitter handle (with or without the '@'). This handle will be "@mentioned" when the catalog tweets about new versions (see this package.json as an example). THIS FEATURE IS TEMPORARILY DISABLED DUE TO TWITTER POLICY :(
    • announce (boolean): indicates if a tweet should be posted when new versions of this module are published (default is true).
  3. Publish your module to all package managers. Here are some recommended tools:

  4. If your module is not picked up by @awscdkio within ~10 minutes, see the troubleshooting section below.

package.json configuration:

  "jsii": { ... }          // jsii config (required)
  "keywords": [ "cdk" ],   // required
  "awscdkio": {            // all optional
    "twitter": "@account", // @mention in announcement (TEMPORARILY DISABLED)
    "announce": true       // this is the default

Here are some examples for modules: cdk-secrets, cdk-watchful, cdk-dynamo-table-viewer.


For some reason, my module doesn't get picked up by @awscdkio. Here are some common issues:

  • Make sure your module has the cdk keyword in package.json
  • Make sure your npm tarball contains the .jsii metadata file (npm install and check if node_modules/MODULE/.jsii exists).
  • Make sure your module's latest version appears in npm search MODULE.
  • If all else fails, raise an issue. It could very well be a bug in the catalog.

Contributing to this project

This is the source code repository for the Construct Catalog (https://awscdk.io). Contributions are more than welcome!

This repo includes multiple packages:

  • cdk-docden - generates a static website from an npm/jsii module.
  • catalog - the construct catalog CDK application.

Check out our issue list for ideas for contributions.

Development Environment

Getting started

  1. Clone the project and cd into its root directory.
  2. npx lerna bootstrap: installs and links dependencies
  3. npx lerna run build: builds all modules in topological order

Building the catalog

  1. Follow the Getting started instructions.
  2. cd ./packages/catalog
  3. cdk bootstrap aws://<your-account-number>/<region>
    • e.g. aws://012345678910/us-east-1/
  4. cdk deploy construct-catalog-dev-$USER
  5. Determine the CloudFront Distribution Domain Name for your CDK Construct Catalog deployment (e.g. dxxxxxxxxxxxxx.cloudfront.net), which can be found in your list of Cloudfront Distributions. Look for the one with an Origin value beginning with construct-catalog-dev.
    • If you have the AWS CLI installed, you can find the Domain Name by running this command:
      aws cloudfront list-distributions \
          --query "DistributionList.Items[].{DomainName: DomainName, Origin: Origins.Items[].DomainName | [0]}
                   [?starts_with(Origin, 'construct-catalog-dev')].DomainName" \
          --output text
  6. Find the S3 Bucket that CDK created for the Construct Catalog (e.g. construct-catalog-dev-xxxxx-websitebucketxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx) and append one of the package paths to the DomainName from the previous step to test that the catalog deployed correctly (e.g. http://dxxxxxxxxxxxxx.cloudfront.net/packages/cdk-secrets@0.4.1).

NOTE: At this time, the bare http://dxxxxxxxxxxxxx.cloudfront.net URL redirects to the @awscdkio Twitter account page.

Building the frontend

  1. Follow the Getting started instructions.
  2. cd ./packages/catalog-frontend
  3. yarn install
  4. yarn start
  5. Visit http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.
  6. To build and preview the site as it would look in Production, do the following:
    • yarn build
    • npx serve build.
    • Visit http://localhost:5000 in your browser (note the different port number).


Unable to determine default account and/or region when running cdk commands

You don't have default AWS credentials and a default region configured for your AWS CLI. If you're using multiple profiles, you can add --profile <profile-name> (e.g. --profile dev) to the cdk commands for it to take effect. If you're still getting the same error, check to ensure a default region is configured for that profile in your ~/.aws/config file, or export the desired region (e.g. export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1) before trying the cdk command again.


This project is licensed under Apache 2.0