Assessment Intergamma

This codebase represents an assessment for Intergamma. It is a Stock management and reservation application.


The service enables managing StockItems. StockItems are unique items associated with a given product, that can be independently added, removed, reserved and updated (the store where they are located).


Here we provide an overview of the API of the service

Product API

GET /product/{productCode}

Retrieves the total availability and reservations of StockItems for a given product.

POST /product/{productCode}

Increment stock for a given product:

	"storeCode": "someStoreCode",
	"quantity": 1

StockItem API

GET /stockitem?product={productCode}

Retrieves all the StockItems that carry the given product code.

DELETE /stockitem/{stockItemId}

Hard removes a given StockItem. No business rules have been applied such as failure to remove if a reservation exists, as no such rules have been given.

PATCH /stockitem/{stockItemId}

Allows setting the storeCode and/or reserved properties of a StockItem

	"storeCode": "updated-store-code",
	"reserved": true

If reserved is set, its reservation timestamp is set to the moment of receipt. It will be pruned after a configurable amount of time. This is currently configured in to 30 minutes.