
Rust library for getting system information

Primary LanguageRustThe UnlicenseUnlicense

crates.io API Docs unlicense


A Rust library for getting system information/statistics:

  • CPU load
  • load average
  • memory usage
  • uptime / boot time
  • battery life
  • filesystem mounts (and disk usage)
  • disk I/O statistics
  • network interfaces
  • network traffic statistics
  • CPU temperature

Unlike sys-info-rs, this one is written purely in Rust.

Supported platforms (roughly ordered by completeness of support):

  • FreeBSD
  • Linux
  • OpenBSD
  • Windows
  • macOS
  • more coming soon

Originally written for unixbar :-)


See examples/info.rs.


Please feel free to submit pull requests!

By participating in this project you agree to follow the Contributor Code of Conduct.

The list of contributors is available on GitHub.


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
For more information, please refer to the UNLICENSE file or unlicense.org.