
Experimenting with langtorch, OpenAI in SpringBoot

Primary LanguageJava

Gen AI Apps with SpringBoot

This is very much work in progress, but the primariy purpose is to use SpringBoot as the framework to build Gen AI applications. SpringBoot is widely used and the standard framework by large enterprises.

In this initial project we are playing with an framework called langtorch that is NOT production ready, but is giving some interesting ideas on how to create your own abstractions to build composable LLM applications in Java.

Using awesome-astra so we have complete access to all stargate API in addition to CQL to explore.

We are using ChatGPT function calling and the ChatCompletions API. The function provides the current weather for the provided location.

Currently we have one simple RestController with 2 API endpoints: /v1/embedding and /v1/chat/completions

Both take a message parameter. The first returns the embeddings and former is a chatBot define as:

messages.add(SystemMessage.of("You are a very polite hotel concierge"));
messages.add(SystemMessage.of("The hotel you work is in Austin, Texas "));

The function integration allows the chatBot to provide recommendation based on the local weather. For example, you can ask the question:

What can I dotomorrow? Will the weather be nice?

And receive suggestion for activities in Austin based on the weather.


  • replace RestTemplate with WebClient
  • Bring other models
  • Bring our vector search capabilities into LangTorch
  • Bypass LangTorch and use OpenAI APIs directly


./mvnw compile package -DskipTests


First you need to make sure you have the right configuration in the .env file. See the sample_.env for the required properties. Then you can either run using the maven SpringBoot plugin or using the fat jar.

./mvnw spring-boot:run 
java -jar target/langtorch-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Adding embedding to AstraDB

We are using the LangChain web scrapping document loader to scrape the Four Seasons Austin website. Now this chatbot will use RAG to be able to answer questions specific to the hotel.

Before running the UI or using the SpringBoot API, you'll have to run the ETL tool to scrape the website and create the embedding.

Simple run the program below under the etl folder:

python loadsite.py

This will create the table vs_4seasons_openai that is used to bring relevant information to our chat completion prompt.

Using Gradio as the ChatBot interface

We use Gradio to build a simple chatbot UI to the SpringBoot api with just a few lines of code.

Note: There is a lot of error handling that is required to be done in the UI and improvements to the API.



It is recommended to create a python virtual environment using your tool of choice before installing the dependencies. The steps below are based on the virtual environment tool venv.

python -m venv .venv
. ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install gradio

Then simply run the chatbot python program:

python chatbot.py

Gradio will be listening on port 7860 by default. You need to make sure you have your SpringBoot application running. It will listen on port 8080 by default.


  • the REST endpoint is currently hardcoded
  • no error handling
  • we are not looking at the returned choices from the API
  • we are not using history capability in the gradio chatbot component.