Python Web Radio Recorder

Primary LanguagePython

Python Web Radio Recorder (PyWRR)

Self hosted, raspberry pi friendly project to automatically record web radio 📻 using FFMPEG.

🚧 this is just a barely working prototype 🚧

Design decisions:

  • Targets an audience who understands what a stream URL of a web radio station is and how to find it.
  • Targets an audience that can install FFMPEG, Python and requires Python skills to get up and running.
  • Use Flask & HTMX because it's easy
  • Use a local sqlite3 database to store scheduling data
  • Use FFMPEG to capture streams (but be open to other tools, should they be required)
  • It's not necessary to be exactly on time - later recordings will have automatic pre/post roll
  • Needs mobile friendly web interface. Use nginx to protect the service
  • Backend and frontend are seperated, so that scheduled recordings are not affected by front end problems
  • As an exercise in laziness the sql and flask functionality is mostly outsourced to ChatGPT (with human oversight, of course)


  • ✔️ FFMPEG recording of web radio
  • ❌ alternative recording helpers (streamripper, etc)
  • ❌ managing recordings, monitoring space
  • ❌ saving recordings at a suitable location
  • ⚠️ authentification (outsourced to nginx)
  • ❌ setup
  • ✔️ basic "wireframe" web site
  • 🟡 fix browser back button navigation (currently a hack)
  • ✔️ managing radio station urls
  • ✔️ basic scheduling
  • ❌ changing recordings that are running
  • ✔️ downloading completed recordings
  • ❌ documentation
  • ❌ tests


  • local FFMPEG installation on the path
  • Python 3.11.x, venv according to requirements.txt


  • Install FFMPEG requirement
  • Run both "app.py" and "scheduler.py" as seperated tasks

👉🏼 If you're looking for a battle tested fremium service, there's https://www.phonostar.de/ (no relation)