
AngularJS Directive that wraps an <audio> tag exposing handy events and selectors to customize your audio player.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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AngularJS Directive that wraps an <audio> tag exposing handy events and selectors to customize your audio player.

Abstract / Idea

I've come across a lot of <audio> players on the web, many using Flash, many being easy-to-use, almost none of them being compatible with AngularJS.
What i really was looking for was a simple audio wrapper without the need to support browser which don't have audio tag support!
Means support for this project is the same as: HTML5 audio draft, jQuery is not necessary, and DOM manipulation is done with 'modern' browsers in mind (IE9 not really being a top player here)
angular-audio-player is html/css agnostic, meaning you can use it with your browser controls and default style, or bind the methods and properties in your own View

Breaking changes with 0.2.0

  • angular.module changed from 'angular-audio-player' to 'audioPlayer' - seemed more ngCompliant to me
  • property 'playingTrack' renamed to 'currentTrack' - again, on first directive tapeout names weren't the most important thing

Bower package: angular-audio-playlist

Possible Roadmap

  • better way to expose current time and buffered data #4
  • song preload:
    • preload N songs before and after the current song.
    • multiple parallel preload connections
  • to achieve preload i need to use multiple audio tags
    • create only 2N audio tags
    • memorize/paginate audio properties even when the tag is removed from the DOM, so if it gets added back it haves the same progress.

Getting Started

Examples here

This directive it's just a way to expose <audio> tag property and methods to an AngularJS application, so you have to use custom html and css in order to interface with the audio directive.

Simple How-To

In your AngularJS application include in dependency injection audioPlayer

angular.module('myApp', ['audioPlayer'])

Then in the html:

<audio data-player-control="audio1" data-playlist="playlist1" data-player-name="audio1" audio-player>
  <source src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d0/Rick_Astley_-_Never_Gonna_Give_You_Up.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
<span ng-show="audio1.playing">Player status: Playing</span>
<span ng-show="!audio1.playing">Player status: Paused</span>


audio-player is a directive working as an attribute, it must be used on an <audio> tag.


Those can be used as any AngularJS directive attributes notation

  • playlist: An Array containing audioElements(s)
  • player-control: Exposed properties and methods of the <audio> tag

playlist structure

Playlist is an Array containing audioElement(s).
An audioElement itself could be an Array of sourceObjects, or a single sourceObject, mimicking the <source> HTML draft

sourceObject structure:

{ src: 'http://some.where.com', type: 'mime/type', media: '.css.media.query' }

or alternatively

  { src: 'http://some.where.com', type: 'audio/ogg' },
  { src: 'http://some.where.com/lowquality', type: 'audio/ogg' },
  { src: 'http://some.where.com/crapquality', type: 'audio/ogg' },
  { src: 'http://some.where.com', type: 'audio/mp3' },

For whoever wondering what media is: it's just a css media query, so the browser can pick which <source> tag to load.

player-control Methods

player.load([audioElement, autoplayNext])

Parameter audioElement type object, structure as specified above.
Parameter autoplayNext type boolean
Internal function called from the below methods, can still be accessed directly if want to, if no parameter is provided just calls the <audio> load method (means it starts buffering).


Parameter index type number, referring to the playlist index (0...playlist.length-1)
You can force to play a specific song using the index param.


Parameter index type number, referring to the playlist index (0...playlist.length-1)
If you playPause the same index twice it will alternate start and stop.


Pauses the player.


Parameter autoplay type boolean
Goes to next audioElement if there is one in the playlist.
Autoplay behaviour is the following: If a song is already playing, it will change to the next audioElement, and autoplay as soon as it's loaded.
You can force the autoplay using the autoplay parameter.


Parameter autoplay type boolean
Goes to previous audioElement if there is one in the playlist. If a song is already playing, it will change to the previous audioElement, and autoplay as soon as it's loaded.
You can force the autoplay using the autoplay parameter.


Toggles mute property.

player-control Properties


Default is audioplayer, it's the name-prefix used in the Events


true or false


Tracks the position of the playing track, it might change during playing the same track due to pushing elements into playlistArray


Number of tracks in the playlist, zero-based (0....playlist.length)

<audio> properties forward

Some properties are just forwared to this player-control but are unchanged against HTMLMediaElement spec
player.position same as player.currentTime

formatted properties

The following properties refer to some HTMLMediaElement spec properties, but are formatted for handiness.
player.formatDuration hh:mm:ss version of player.duration
player.formatTime hh:mm:ss version of player.duration
player.loadPercent 0-100 version of player.buffered, it's just a number, not a TimeRange element.

$rootScope events

Some events gets dispatched to the $rootScope, they give some informations when handled with an event listener.


.controller('MyController', function ($scope, $rootScope) {
  $rootScope.$on('audioplayer:load', function (event, autoplayNext) {
    // Tell someone a song is gonna get loaded.

The player-name attribute specifies the namespace for the events audio player emits.

audioPlayerName stands for player-name attribute, defaults to audioplayer


Parameter playerInstance type AudioPlayer, returns the audioplayer that has just got compiled by the directive.


$scope.$on('audioplayer:ready', function (playerInstance) {});

example with multiple audio tags:

var players = {};
var count = 0;

function doSomething() { console.log('players are ready, sir!'); }
function whenPlayersReady(name) {
  return function (playerInstance) {
    players[name] = playerInstance;
    if (--count === 0) { doSomething(); };

$scope.$on('audio1:ready', whenPlayersReady('audio1'));
$scope.$on('audio2:ready', whenPlayersReady('audio2'));


Parameter autoplayNext type boolean, returns true or false wheter the loading song is going to get played as soon as it's loaded.


$scope.$on('audioplayer:load', function (autoplayNext) {});


Parameter index type number, referring to the playlist index (0...playlist.length-1)


$scope.$on('audioplayer:play', function (index) {});


Emitted when the player stops.


$scope.$on('audioplayer:pause', function () {});

Special Behaviour

You can add/remove tracks on-fly from/to the playlist.
If the current track gets removed, the player goes on pause(). (And starts loading the first track of the new playlist)
Try and get the hold of this in the examples


A lot of guidelines to realize a simple re-usable project like this have come mainly from:


As you can see from the Issues, i would like some help (especially experience in cross-browser compatibility)


While you're filing a Pull Request be sure to edit files under the src/ folder

You can clone the repository and start working:

git clone git@github.com:mrgamer/angular-audio-player.git
cd angular-audio-player

To test the documentation system you need to:

npm install
# if you don't have bower installed globally
# sudo npm install bower -g
bower install
# if you don't have grunt installed globally
# sudo npm install grunt-cli -g
grunt docs
# keep grunt executing and open a browser on http://localhost:8181/

To create a new release:

# !update package.json with a new version!
npm install
grunt build
git tag x.x.x
git push && git push --tags