
Lipa na M-Pesa Online Payment API is used to initiate a M-Pesa transaction on behalf of a customer using STK Push. This is the same technique mySafaricom App uses whenever the app is used to make payments.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Lipa na M-Pesa Online Payment API is used to initiate a M-Pesa transaction on behalf of a customer using STK Push. This is the same technique mySafaricom App uses whenever the app is used to make payments.

Gem Version Cop


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mpesa_stk'

and run the bundle install command

Or install it yourself as:

gem install mpesa_stk

Getting Started

This gem has a Redis dependency, so make sure it running

$ redis-server

You can use command line to determine if redis is running:

redis-cli ping

you should get back


you need to setup your environment variables, checkout .sample.env for the values you need. or run

$ cp .sample.env .env

open .env on your editor and add the missing variable

  • key and secret of the app created on your developer account.
  • business_short_code and business_pass_key this can be found in Test Credentials.
  • callback_url the url of your application where response will be sent. make sure its a reachable/active url


when going live there information will be sent to your email.

for buy_goods push business_short_code will be equivalent to store number and till_number will remain as is.

Testing out the gem in an actual Rails application

To test out the app on an actual rails application, do check out the following link:



Sample application

Check out a rails sample application here

Testing the gem on the console/app

When running the gem on a single safaricom app.

$ irb
2.5.0 :001 > require 'mpesa_stk'
2.5.0 :002 > MpesaStk::PushPayment.call("500", "<YOUR PHONE NUMBER: 254711222333>")

When running the app on multiple safaricom apps, within the same project.

$ irb
2.5.3 :001 > require 'mpesa_stk'
2.5.3 :002 > hash = Hash.new
2.5.3 :003 > 
2.5.3 :004 > hash['key'] = key
2.5.3 :005 > hash['secret'] = secret
2.5.3 :006 > hash['business_short_code'] = business_short_code
2.5.3 :007 > hash['business_passkey'] = business_passkey
2.5.3 :008 > hash['callback_url'] = callback_url
2.5.3 :009 > hash['till_number'] = till_number 

for STK push

2.5.3 :010 > MpesaStk::Push.pay_bill('05', "<YOUR PHONE NUMBER: 254711222333>", hash)

for Till Number push

2.5.3 :010 > MpesaStk::Push.buy_goods('05', "<YOUR PHONE NUMBER: 254711222333>", hash)

possible error format if the request is not successful

{"requestId"=>"13022-8633727-1", "errorCode"=>"500.001.1001", "errorMessage"=>"Error Message"}

expected irb output after the command

    "ResponseDescription"=>"Success. Request accepted for processing", 
    "CustomerMessage"=>"Success. Request accepted for processing"

the above response means the response has been successfully sent to Safaricom for processing and you should be able to see the checkout/express prompt on the sender number.

Mpesa Checkout/Express

This is the expected output on the mobile phone

alt tag

Callback url

After the pin code is entered on the checkout/express prompt. you will receive a request on the provided callback_url with the status of the action

sample payload that you will be getting on your callback

{"Body"=>{"stkCallback"=>{"MerchantRequestID"=>"3968-94214-1", "CheckoutRequestID"=>"ws_CO_160620191218268004", "ResultCode"=>0, "ResultDesc"=>"The service request is processed successfully.", 
"CallbackMetadata"=>{"Item"=>[{"Name"=>"Amount", "Value"=>"05"}, {"Name"=>"MpesaReceiptNumber", "Value"=>"OFG4Z5EE9Y"}, {"Name"=>"TransactionDate", "Value"=>20190616121848}, 
{"Name"=>"PhoneNumber", "Value"=>254711222333}]}}}, "push"=>{"Body"=>{"stkCallback"=>{"MerchantRequestID"=>"3968-94214-1", "CheckoutRequestID"=>"ws_CO_160620191218268004", "ResultCode"=>0, 
"ResultDesc"=>"The service request is processed successfully.", "CallbackMetadata"=>{"Item"=>[{"Name"=>"Amount", "Value"=>"05"}, {"Name"=>"MpesaReceiptNumber", "Value"=>"OFG4Z5EE9Y"}, {"Name"=>"TransactionDate", 
"Value"=>20190616121848}, {"Name"=>"PhoneNumber", "Value"=>254711222333}]}}}}}


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/mboya/mpesa_stk.

To Contribute to this gem,

  • Comment on the issue you would like to work on solving.
  • Mark the issue as in progress by adding an in-progress label.
  • Fork the project to your github repository (This project only accepts PRs from forks)
  • Submit the PR after the implementation all unfinished PRs for an issue should have a WIP indicated beside it
  • Every PR should have a link to the issue being solved
  • Checkout this github best practices for more info.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the MpesaStk project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.