
Large scale and asynchronous Hyperparameter Optimization at your fingertip.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Syne Tune

Release Python Version License

This package provides state-of-the-art distributed hyperparameter optimizers (HPO) where trials can be evaluated with several backend options (local backend to evaluate them locally; SageMaker to evaluate them as separate SageMaker training jobs; another backend with fast startup times is also in the making).


To install Syne Tune from pip, you can simply do:

pip install syne-tune

This will install a bare-bone version. If you want in addition to install our own Gaussian process based optimizers, Ray Tune or Bore optimizer, you can run pip install syne-tune[X] where X can be

  • gpsearchers: For built-in Gaussian process based optimizers
  • raytune: For Ray Tune optimizers
  • benchmarks: For installing all dependencies required to run all benchmarks
  • extra: For installing all the above
  • bore: For Bore optimizer

For instance, pip install syne-tune[gpsearchers] will install Syne Tune along with many built-in Gaussian process optimizers.

To install the latest version from git, run the following:

pip install git+https://github.com/awslabs/syne-tune.git

For local development, we recommend to use the following setup which will enable you to easily test your changes:

pip install --upgrade pip
git clone git@github.com:awslabs/syne-tune.git
cd syne-tune
pip install -e .[extra]

How to enable tuning and tuning script conventions

This section describes how to enable tuning an endpoint script. In particular, we describe:

  1. how hyperparameters are transmitted from the “tuner” to the user script function
  2. how the user communicates metrics to the “tuner” script (which depends on a backend implementation)
  3. how does the user enables checkpointing to pause/resume trial tuning jobs?

Hyperparameters. Hyperparameters are passed through command line arguments as in SageMaker. For instance, for a hyperparameters num_epochs:

import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--num_epochs', type=int, required=True)
args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
for i in range(1, args.num_epochs + 1):
  ... # do something

Communicating metrics. You should call a function to report metrics after each epochs or at the end of the trial. For example:

from syne_tune.report import report
for epoch in range(1, num_epochs + 1):
   # ... do something
   train_acc = compute_accuracy()
   report(train_acc=train_acc, epoch=epoch)

reports artificial results obtained in a dummy loop. In addition to user metrics, Syne Tune will automatically add the following metrics:

  • st_worker_timestamp: the time stamp when report was called
  • st_worker_time: the total time spent when report was called since the creation of the reporter
  • st_worker_cost (only when running on SageMaker): the dollar-cost spent since the creation of the reporter

Model output and checkpointing (optional). Since trials may be paused and resumed (either by schedulers or when using spot-instances), the user has the possibility to checkpoint intermediate results. Model outputs and checkpoints must be written into a specific local path given by the command line argument st_checkpoint_dir. Saving/loading model checkpoint from this directory enables to save/load the state when the job is stopped/resumed (setting the folder correctly and uniquely per trial is the responsibility of the backend), see checkpoint_example.py to see a fully working example of a tuning script with checkpoint enabled.

Under the hood, we use SageMaker checkpoint mechanism to enable checkpointing when running tuning remotely or when using the SageMaker backend. Checkpoints are saved in s3://{s3_bucket}/syne-tune/{tuner-name}/{trial-id}/, where s3_bucket can be configured (defaults to default_bucket of the session).

We refer to checkpoint_example.py for a complete example of a script with checkpoint enabled.

Many other examples of scripts that can be tuned are are available in examples/training_scripts.

Launching a tuning job

Tuning options. At a high-level a tuning consists in a tuning-loop that evaluates different trial in parallel and only let the top ones continue. This loop continues until a stopping criterion is met (for instance a maximum wallclock-time) and each time a worker is available asks a scheduler (an HPO algorithm) to decide which trial should be evaluated next. The execution of the trial is done on a backend. The pseudo-code of an HPO loop is as follow:

def hpo_loop(hpo_algorithm, backend):
    while not_done():
        if worker_is_free():
            config = hpo_algorithm.suggest()
        for result in backend.fetch_new_results():
            decision = hpo_algorithm.on_trial_result(result)
            if decision == "stop":

By changing the backend, users can decide whether the trial should be evaluated in a local machine, whether the trial should be executed on SageMaker with a separate training job or whether the trial should be evaluated on a cluster of multiple machines (available as a separate package for now).

Below is a minimal example showing how to tune a script train_height.py with Random-search:

from pathlib import Path
from syne_tune.search_space import randint
from syne_tune.backend.local_backend import LocalBackend
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.fifo import FIFOScheduler
from syne_tune.stopping_criterion import StoppingCriterion
from syne_tune.tuner import Tuner

config_space = {
    "steps": 100,
    "width": randint(0, 20),
    "height": randint(-100, 100)

# path of a training script to be tuned
entry_point = Path(__file__).parent / "training_scripts" / "height_example" / "train_height.py"

# Local back-end
backend = LocalBackend(entry_point=str(entry_point))

# Random search without stopping
scheduler = FIFOScheduler(

tuner = Tuner(


An important part of this script is the definition of config_space, the configuration space (or search space). This tutorial provides some advice on this choice.

Using the local backend LocalBackend(entry_point=...) allows to run the trials (4 at the same time) on the local machine. If instead, users prefer to evaluate trials on SageMaker, then SageMaker backend can be used which allow to tune any SageMaker Framework (see launch_height_sagemaker.py for an example), here is one example to run a PyTorch estimator on a GPU

from sagemaker.pytorch import PyTorch
from syne_tune.backend.sagemaker_backend.sagemaker_backend import SagemakerBackend
from syne_tune.backend.sagemaker_backend.sagemaker_utils import get_execution_role

backend = SagemakerBackend(
    # we tune a PyTorch Framework from Sagemaker
        max_run=10 * 60,

Note that Syne Tune code is sent with the SageMaker Framework so that the import syne_tune.report that imports the reporter works when executing the training script, as such there is no need to install Syne Tune in the docker image of the SageMaker Framework.

In addition, users can decide to run the tuning loop on a remote instance. This is helpful to avoid the need of letting a developer machine run and to benchmark many seed/model options.

tuner = RemoteLauncher(
    # Extra arguments describing the ressource of the remote tuning instance and whether we want to wait
    # the tuning to finish. The instance-type where the tuning job runs can be different than the
    # instance-type used for evaluating the training jobs.


In this case, the tuning loop is going to be executed on a ml.m5.large instance instead of running locally. Both backends can be used when using the remote launcher (if you run with the Sagemaker backend the tuning loop will happen on the instance type specified in the remote launcher and the trials will be evaluated on the instance(s) configured in the SageMaker framework, this may include several instances in case of distributed training). In the case where the remote launcher is used with a SageMaker backend, a SageMaker job is created to execute the tuning loop which then schedule a new SageMaker training job for each configuration to be evaluated. The options and use-case in this table:

Tuning loop Trial execution Use-case example
Local Local Quick tuning for cheap models, debugging. launch_height_local.py
Local SageMaker Avoid saturating machine with trial computation with expensive trial, possibly use distributed training, enable debugging the tuning loop on a local machine. launch_height_sagemaker.py
SageMaker Local Run remotely to benchmark many HPO algo/seeds options, possibly with a big machine with multiple CPUs or GPUs. launch_height_sagemaker_remotely.py
SageMaker SageMaker Run remotely to benchmark many HPO algo/seeds options, enable distributed training or heavy computation. launch_height_sagemaker_remotely.py with distribute_trials_on_SageMaker=True

To summarize, to evaluate trial execution locally, users should use LocalBackend, to evaluate trials on SageMaker users should use the SageMakerBackend which allows to tune any SageMaker Estimator, see launch_height_local.py or launch_height_sagemaker.py for examples. To run a tuning loop remotely, RemoteLauncher can be used, see launch_height_sagemaker_remotely.py for an example.

Output of a tuning job.

Every tuning experiment generates three files:

  • results.csv.zip contains live information of all the results that were seen by the scheduler in addition to other information such as the decision taken by the scheduler, the wallclock time or the dollar-cost of the tuning (only on SageMaker).
  • tuner.dill contains the checkpoint of the tuner which include backend, scheduler and other information. This can be used to resume a tuning experiment, use Spot instance for tuning or perform fine-grain analysis of the scheduler state.
  • metadata.json contains the time-stamp when the Tuner start to effectively run. It also contains possible user metadata information.

For instance, the following code:

tuner = Tuner(
   metadata={'description': 'just an example'},

runs a tuning by evaluating 4 configurations in parallel with a given backend/scheduler and stops after 600s. Tuner appends a unique string to ensure unicity of tuner name (with the above example the id of the experiment may be height-tuning-2021-07-02-10-04-37-233). Results are updated every 30 seconds by default which is configurable.

Experiment data can be retrieved at a later stage for further analysis with the following command:

tuning_experiment = load_experiment("height-tuning-2021-07-02-10-04-37-233")
tuning_experiment = load_experiment(tuner.name) # equivalent

The results obtained load_experiment have the following schema.

class ExperimentResult:
    name: str
    results: pandas.DataFrame
    metadata: Dict
    tuner: Tuner

Where metadata contains the metadata provided by the user ({'description': 'just an example'} in this case) as well as st_tuner_creation_timestamp which stores the time-stamp when the tuning actually started.

Output of a tuning job when running tuning on SageMaker. When the tuning runs remotely on SageMaker, the results are stored at a regular cadence to s3://{s3_bucket}/syne-tune/{tuner-name}/, where s3_bucket can be configured (defaults to default_bucket of the session). For instance, if the above experiment is run remotely, the following path is used for checkpointing results and states:


Multiple GPUs. If your instance has multiple GPUs, the local backend can run different trials in parallel, each on its own GPU (with the option LocalBackend(rotate_gpus=True), which is activated by default). When a new trial starts, it is assigned to a free GPU if possible. In case of ties, the GPU with fewest prior assignments is chosen. If the number of workers is larger than the number of GPUs, several trials will run as subprocesses on the same GPU. If the number of workers is smaller or equal to the number of GPUs, each trial occupies a GPU on its own, and trials can start without delay. Reasons to choose rotate_gpus=False include insufficient GPU memory or the training evaluation code making good use of multiple GPUs.


Once you have a tuning script, you can call Tuner with any scheduler to perform your HPO. You will find the following examples in examples/ folder:

Running on SageMaker

If you want to launch experiments on SageMaker rather than on your local machine, you will need access to AWS and SageMaker on your machine.

Make sure that:

  • awscli is installed (see this link)
  • docker is installed and running (see this link)
  • A SageMaker role have been created (see this page for instructions if you created a SageMaker notebook in the past, this role should have been created for you).
  • AWS credentials have been set properly (see this link).

Note: all those conditions are already met if you run in a SageMaker notebook, they are only relevant if you run in your local machine or on another environment.

The following command should run without error if your credentials are available:

python -c "import boto3; print(boto3.client('sagemaker').list_training_jobs(MaxResults=1))"

Or run the following example that evaluates trials on SageMaker.

python examples/launch_height_sagemaker.py

Syne Tune allows you to launch HPO experiments remotely on SageMaker, instead of them running on your local machine. This is particularly interesting for running many experiments in parallel. Here is an example:

python examples/launch_height_sagemaker_remotely.py

If you run this for the first time, it will take a while, building a docker image with the Syne Tune dependencies and pushing it to ECR. This has to be done only once, even if Syne Tune source code is modified later on.

Assuming that launch_height_sagemaker_remotely.py is working for you now, you should note that the script returns immediately after starting the experiment, which is running as a SageMaker training job. This allows you to run many experiments in parallel, possibly by using the command line launcher.

If running this example fails, you are probably not setup to build docker images and push them to ECR on your local machine. Check that aws-cli is installed and that docker is running on your machine. After checking that those conditions are met (consider using a SageMaker notebook if not since AWS access and docker are configured automatically), you can try to building the image again by running with the following:

cd container
bash build_syne_tune_container.sh

To run on SageMaker, you can also use any custom docker images available on ECR. See launch_height_sagemaker_custom_image.py for an example on how to run with a script with a custom docker image.


Syne Tune comes with a range of benchmarks for testing and demonstration. Turning your own tuning problem into a benchmark is simple and comes with a number of advantages. As detailed in this tutorial, you can use the CL launcher launch_hpo.py in order to start one or more experiments, adjusting many parameters of benchmark, back-end, tuner, or scheduler from the command line.

The simpler benchmark_main.py can also be used to launch experiments that loops over many schedulers and benchmarks.


Do you want to know more? Here are a number of short tutorials.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.