Prototyping the Future: The Mark I Tricorder Project
For 50 decades, Star Trek has served as an inspiration for engineers and makers alike. Many of the tech concepts of 1960s science fiction has turned into 21st century everyday reality. One of the most beloved ideas was the all-in-one Tricorder that let the crew ascertain the status of countless environmental factors. The Tricorder of the Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock may still be a few generations away, but what if the Mark I version of the Tricorder was invented tody?
This project presents one intriguing possibility. Highlighting the amazing micrcontroller and sensor technology of today, we've built a Mark I Tricorder prototype. Leveraging the out-of-this-world capabilities of the new TI MSP432P401R LaunchPad, we've put a ton of sensors in a conventient BoosterPack form factor.
Some highlights of the Tricorder BoosterPack:
- HDC1000 Humidity Sensor
- LMT70 Temperature Sensor
- OPT3001 Ambient Light Sensor
- MAG3110 Magnetometer
- LMP91000 Electrochemical Sensor Interface
- PGA900 Programmable Resistive Sensing Conditioner
- microSD Card reader
- Peripheral Module (Pmod) Type I GPIO Interface
- 2 user defined buttons / 1 reset button
- 2 user defined LEDs / 1 power indicator LED
Coming Soon: Shopping Cart BOM @ Mouser Electronics