
Elm websockets, simple.

Primary LanguageElmMIT LicenseMIT

elm-wss: Simple websockets for elm

This is a simple implementation of websockets for elm, relying on the port mechanism available in elm 0.19. It aims to be readable and easy to understand.


There is no integration with elm-packages, the easiest way to use this package is to either copy the two files into your source dir or link them using a git submodule:

elm-websockets.js should be sourced by your index.html, either or after loading the elm source. Once the elm app has been loaded, call ElmSockets.init_app(app) on your elm application app to initialize the ports. Example:

<script src="elm-websockets.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
var app = Elm.Main.init({
  node: document.getElementById('elm')

(app.js is your compiled Elm-Apps source). You can pass a second parameter of true to initApp to enable debug console output.

WebsocketSimple.elm is a single port module that handles sending and receiving websocket messages via ports. Calling WebsocketSimple.send sends commands to the websockets handler outside of elm.

import WebsocketSimple as Ws

{|- Example message type for the app -}
type Message =
    WebsocketReceived Ws.RawMsg

{|- This example shows how to open a websocket -}
openWebsocket : Cmd msg
openWebsocket url = Ws.send (Ws.Open url Nothing)

{|- How to subscribe to incoming messages -}
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Message
subscriptions _ =
    Sub.map WebsocketReceived <| Ws.subscribe

Each websocket is namespaced by a handle (a String), somewhat similar to a file socket in systems programming. Handles are created by the elm application, but are optional. If desired, use sendWithHandle and subscribeWithHandle instead of their basic counterparts send and subscribe.


An small example application is available.