
OpenJDK Web Page Generator

Primary LanguageXSLTGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

OpenJDK Web Page Generator

The Makefile in this repository generates HTML files and other assets for a subtree of the openjdk.org web site.

The easiest way to preview a local documentation repository is to clone this repository into your local repository and then create a trivial Makefile in that repository:

$ echo 'include ojweb-generate/Makefile' >Makefile

Then running make in your repository will format the source files into the ./build directory, or to $BUILD if the BUILD environment variable is set.

This repository includes a tiny web server which you can use to preview the generated files locally:

$ make preview

Then point your browser at http://localhost:8081/.

Additional make targets include:

  • make update — updates the local ojweb-generate repository
  • make clean — removes the build
  • make help — summarizes the make targets

Tools required

You’ll need GNU Make, Git, Tidy, xsltproc, Pandoc (version 2.5 or later), and Graphviz, plus the usual core utilities.

To install these on a Debian-based Linux system:

$ apt-get install make git tidy xsltproc pandoc graphviz fonts-dejavu

To install these on macOS using Homebrew:

$ brew install coreutils gnu-sed make git tidy-html5 pandoc graphviz
$ export PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
$ export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
$ export PATH="/usr/local/opt/make/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"

Source format

We use Pandoc to generate HTML from Markdown (.md) source files in Pandoc’s extended version of Markdown which includes, among other things, support for header attributes, several types of tables, and mathematics.

Title and metadata

For the consistent appearance of all pages, the first lines of a Markdown source file should be of the form

# Off the Shoulders of Orion
## I’ve Seen Things You Wouldn’t Believe {.subtitle}

#### Roy Batty {.author}
#### January 2019 {.date}

The header attributes {.subtitle}, {.author}, and {.date} identify the corresponding headers as containing metadata. The subtitle is optional. Blank lines between these elements are ignored.

Table of contents

To include a simple, two-level table of contents in your document, place this line where you’d like the table to appear:

<div class="table-of-contents"/>

To place a heading before the table, use an h4 heading:

#### Contents

<div class="table-of-contents"/>

(We should use a nav element here, but Tidy mistakenly treats navs as inline elements and so wraps them in p elements, which is not helpful, so we use a div instead.)

To omit a section and all of its subsections from the table of contents, annotate the section’s header with {toc=omit}. To omit all of the subsections of a section but not the section itself, annotate the section’s header with {toc=omit-children}. For example:

## Style Guidelines for Text Blocks {toc=omit-children}


MathJax is enabled for mathematical expressions using TeX and LaTeX notation. Enclose inline mathematics in \( ... \), and enclose displayed equations in \[ ... \]:

When \(a \ne 0\) there are two solutions to \(ax^2+bx+c=0\),
which are \[x = {-b \pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.\]

The MathJax JavaScript display engine is loaded only when needed.

Optional head content

If a Markdown document foo.md requires a custom CSS stylesheet, or some JavaScript code, then place that content in a sibling foo.head file, wrapped in a head element:

    CODE { color: red; }
                              (event) => alert("Hi!"));

The children of the head element in this file will be copied to the end of the head element in the generated HTML.

Please avoid using optional head content unless absolutely necessary. CSS rules introduced in this way can interfere with the default stylesheet and JavaScript, of course, comes with its own set of risks.

You can customize the formatting process even further by creating a Local.gmk file; please see the Makefile for guidance.

Additional source forms

A file named _index.md produces the index.html file for the directory that contains it.

Files ending in .dot are processed by the Graphviz dot tool to produce corresponding .svg files in the output directory.

Files ending in .html are copied verbatim to the output directory, dropping the .html suffix.

Files ending in .jpg, .png, or .svg are copied verbatim to the output directory, preserving their suffixes.

Output format

Each Markdown or HTML source file, foo/bar.md or foo/bar.html, produces an output file foo/bar, without the suffix.

The output will contain a subtree map in the _map file, from which you can visit all the pages in the subtree.

The footer of each generated HTML page contains the usual legal notices, a timestamp, and the hash of the most recent commit of the source file for that page. The hash is a link to the history of the source file in the originating repository.