
Advanced Java M1 MIAGE

Primary LanguageJava


Advanced Java M1 MIAGE

Use of Git and Github

  • Do not forget to often check and eventually merge master branch (or desired part) with your local work to avoid outdated works and stay in the dev line
  • Never push anything on remote/master if your are not allowed!

Create and connect my project with the repository

There is no doubt about an easiest way with cloning but I never tried :D

Merge a branch with my current branch

  • git merge master will merge local/master with your current local/branch
  • Netbeans: git > Branch\Tag > Merge Revision.. will allow you to merge local or remote branch with your current local/branch

Useful commands

Useful links


Name Detail
release latest runnable project
master latest project build merged from dev (only the repository owner can manage this
dev merged current works for all developpers (all developpers have access)
maxime, gael, richard, anne, david personnal branch, used to work on defined part