-- markdown --
BWR - Basic Web Rig
A very simple project that can be used as a base for Hunchentoot/cl-who/Jquery based projects.
Example usage
(start a fresh SLIME session; I assume quicklisp
is installed)
; SLIME 2011-11-03
CL-USER> (ql:quickload :bwr)
To load "bwr":
Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "bwr"
[package bwr]..
CL-USER> (bwr:start)
#<HUNCHENTOOT:EASY-ACCEPTOR (host *, port 9000)>
Modifying the basic rig
- Copy the project.
- Rename
etc. to the new names. - Customize
to do what you need.
Note: changes to handler
don't require server restarts, just reloads
in the browser.