This project aims to give some basic examples for the ST Nucleo32 board STM32F303K8, using internal peripherals.
Examples do not use any IDE, it is just based on Makefile, with arm-none-eabi-gcc. The debugging is done using directly arm-none-eabi-gdb (or ddd for a GUI).
On Linux (Debian/Ubuntu flavor), you should install:
(to debug)- st-link
For the first 3 tools:
sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc-arm-none-eabi gdb-arm-none-eabi
To compile, just use the makefile:
To flash the application (st-link should be installed first):
make flash
to debug the application (using gdb), first run st-util
in another terminal, and run:
arm-none-eabi-gdb -tui test.elf
a gdb script is provided in examples to initiate communication with target, load the application and run until main, just use the gdb init script inside gdb:
source init.gdb