
A rewrite of https://github.com/pastelsky/bundlephobia

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A rewrite of https://github.com/pastelsky/bundlephobia



  • Basic Setup with Next.js + TypeScript
  • ESlint linting
  • Jest unit testing + RTL for React Components + Coverage
  • Suggestions API
  • Build API (without caching) based on package-build-stats + jest-worker
  • Home Page with text field and suggestions
  • History API, giving the three minor versions and the newest major prior to the current one - based on pacote
  • React component displaying results
  • Logging with winston

To Be Done

  • React component comparing package sizes
  • Integration tests to increase code coverage

Nice To Have

  • Caching results for in the Build API - based on lru-cache
  • Instrumenting (timings, metrics) with Prometheus


In order to compile and run Bundlephobia, you'll need to have installed on your computer:

  • node.js version 10 or 12. This app has been compiled and run on both versions. It is not guaranteed that it will compile and run on node.js version previous than 10 or on node 13.x.x. You can download the installer from the official Node.js website
  • yarn version 1.x.x. Follow instructions here


When both node.js and yarn have been installed, enter


in your shell. This command will install all the dependencies in the node_modules folder.

Running the app in development environment

In order to automatically build and run the app locally, enter

yarn dev

in your shell, then navigate to localhost:3000 using your favorite navigator. To stop the app, press simultaneously control + C.

Running the app in production environment

In order to build the app for production, enter

yarn build

in your shell. In order to run the app in production environment, after building it, enter

yarn start

in your shell.

Testing the app

In order to run all the unit tests and display code coverage, enter

yarn test:unit

in your shell.

Linting the app

In order to lint the app against ESLint rules, enter

yarn test:lint

in your shell. If some errors appear and ESlint tells you that it can automatically fix some of them, you can enter

yarn test:lint --fix

in your shell.

Altogether linting and testing the app

If you want to perform the two previous operations with only one command, enter

yarn test

in your shell.

View test coverage

When you have run the tests for the first time, a simple coverage report is written in the terminal. To have a more detailed view of code coverage, you can open ./coverage/lcov-report/index.html in your favorite browser.

Note for Windows users

This app has been written on a Mac. Therefore scripts in package.json should work on this platform and also Linux. Windows users using PowerShell or cmd will not be able to run the app because they don't support bash or zsh syntax for setting environment variables.

Preferred editor or IDE

Every modern IDE should be able to open this app's folder and should allow to edit it. Nevertheless, this app has been written using VScode, which we strongly recommend. This is the reason why the app's repo includes the .vscode folder, configuring some specific plugins for this IDE.

Superior TypeScript support

VSCode is written in TypeScript, like the current app. It has out of the box an outstanding support for this language.

Recommended VSCode plugins

We recommend the following plugins to have the best experience in VSCode, editing and running this app.