
utility to transform hast to something else through a hyperscript DSL

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hast utility to transform a tree to something else through a hyperscript DSL.



npm install hast-to-hyperscript


var toH = require('hast-to-hyperscript')
var h = require('hyperscript')

var tree = {
  type: 'element',
  tagName: 'p',
  properties: {id: 'alpha', className: ['bravo']},
  children: [
    {type: 'text', value: 'charlie '},
      type: 'element',
      tagName: 'strong',
      properties: {style: 'color: red;'},
      children: [{type: 'text', value: 'delta'}]
    {type: 'text', value: ' echo.'}

// Transform (`hyperscript` needs `outerHTML` to stringify):
var doc = toH(h, tree).outerHTML



<p class="bravo" id="alpha">charlie <strong>delta</strong> echo.</p>


toH(h, tree[, options|prefix])

Transform a hast tree to something else through a hyperscript DSL.

  • h (Function) — Hyperscript function
  • tree (Node) — Tree to transform
  • prefix — Treated as {prefix: prefix}
  • options.prefix (string or boolean, optional) — Prefix to use as a prefix for keys passed in attrs to h(), this behaviour is turned off by passing false, turned on by passing a string. By default, h- is used as a prefix if the given h is detected as being virtual-dom/h or React.createElement
  • options.space (enum, 'svg' or 'html', default: 'html') — Whether node is in the 'html' or 'svg' space. If an svg element is found when inside the HTML space, toH automatically switches to the SVG space when entering the element, and switches back when exiting

* — Anything returned by invoking h().

function h(name, attrs, children)

Create an element from the given values.

  • name (string) — Tag-name of element to create
  • attrs (Object.<string>) — Attributes to set
  • children (Array.<* | string>) — List of children (results of previously invoking h())

* — Anything.


Most Hyperscript implementations only support elements and texts. hast supports doctype, comment, and root as well.

  • If anything other than an element or root node is given, toH throws
  • If a root is given with no children, an empty div element is returned
  • If a root is given with one element child, that element is transformed
  • Otherwise, the children are wrapped in a div element

If unknown nodes (a node with a type not defined by hast) are found as descendants of the given tree, they are ignored: only text and element are transformed.


Although there are lots of libraries mentioning support for a hyperscript-like interface, there are significant differences between them. For example, hyperscript doesn’t support classes in attrs and virtual-dom/h needs an attributes object inside attrs most of the time. toH works around these differences for:


Use of hast-to-hyperscript can open you up to a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack if the hast tree is unsafe. Use hast-util-santize to make the hast tree safe.



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MIT © Titus Wormer