
For RIAcon 2012

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Asynchronous Demo with Play! Framework 2

A demonstration / presentation on the power of asynchronous programming with Play! Framework 2

  1. Install Play! Framework 2 - http://www.playframework.org/documentation/2.0.2/Installing
  2. Install PostgreSQL - http://postgresapp.com/ ( on OSX ) or http://www.postgresql.org/download/
  3. Navigate to your development folder and checkout this projecct - git clone https://github.com/mbseid/PlayIntro.git
  4. Change line 26 of application.conf ( https://github.com/mbseid/PlayIntro/blob/master/conf/application.conf ) to have the username/password of your postgresql account
    • Example: username: test, password: testpassword, database: playintro would be = "postgres://test:testpasswrod@localhost/playintro"

That’s it! Wasn't that easy.

  1. Navigate to the PlayIntro project you just checked out in terminal / cmd prompt
  2. Enter "play clean run"
  3. In your browser, go to "localhost:9000/"
