
A simple key/value in-memory storage with journaling.

Primary LanguageRust



Keyper is a simple in-memory key-value store server, similar to a basic Redis clone. It supports various commands to set, get, delete, and manipulate data. The server also features a journaling system to log all modifying transactions for recovery purposes.

Running the Server

To run the server, use the following command:

cargo run

By default, the server listens on, but this can be configured in the config.toml file.

Supported Commands

  • SET key "value" [update]: Sets a value for a key. If update is true, existing keys will be updated. If update is false or omitted, the command will error if the key already exists.

  • GET key: Retrieves the value for a key.

  • DELETE key: Removes a key from the store.

  • INCR key: Increments the integer value of a key.

  • DECR key: Decrements the integer value of a key.

  • MSET key1 "value1" key2 "value2" ... keyN "valueN": Sets multiple key-value pairs. Each value should be encapsulated in double quotes.

  • MGET key1 key2 ... keyN: Retrieves values for multiple keys.

  • CHECK key: Checks if a key exists in the store.

  • FLUSH: Clears all data from the store.

  • KEYS: Lists all keys stored in the database.


The server logs all write operations (SET, DELETE, INCR, DECR, FLUSH, MSET) to a journal file (journal.log). Upon restart, the server replays the journal to restore its state.

Error Handling

The server implements basic error handling and command validation. Invalid or malformed commands will result in an error message.

Case Insensitivity

The server now supports case-insensitive command recognition, making it more user-friendly.