
Dead man's alarm

Primary LanguageJava


Dead man's alarm

Simple java application suggested by Ben Maughan.

Posts a GUI countdown timer on the screen, when it reaches zero it sounds an alarm or something.

The intention is to use it in the observatory to guard against people having an accident and not being able to raise the alarm.



A makefile is included. On a Un*x system, just do

   make build

to create the jar file (deadman.jar). Then you can run it with

   java -jar deadman.jar


There are various configuration options, which you can set in various ways. Some of the options are (re)configurable from within the application. You can set the defaults from the command line or a configuration file, using name=value assignments.

To see the options, run:

   java -jar deadman.jar -h

To set, e.g., the default reset time to 180 seconds, you can run

   java -jar deadman.jar reset=180

or you can include the line


in a file deadman.props. To write a skeleton config file, run

   java -jar deadman.jar -writeconfig

If you want to use a different config file, you can specify that on the command line:

   java -jar deadman.jar config=myconfigfile.props