
Grammar and Parser Generator for Anno 1602 Scripts

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Grammar and Parser Generator for Anno 1602 Scripts

This repo contains:

  • a grammar that accepts all COD and GAD files in Anno 1602 KE (Königs-Edition)
  • a feature-complete interpreter for HAEUSER.COD, FIGUREN.COD that spits out plain python objects

Parser generation uses the lark parsing toolkit. The resulting parser is LALR, despite the chaotic script language. Parsing is still relatively slow (4 seconds for all of the game's files, see below), but at least the code is maintainable.

For more details on the script language format, see https://github.com/Green-Sky/anno16_docs/blob/master/file_formats/script.md


Needs python>=3.9.

git clone https://github.com/mbugert/anno1602-script-parser
cd anno1602-script-parser
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

# in line 7, enter the root directory of your 1602 KE install
nano parser/test/base.py

# interpret all HAEUSER.COD, FIGUREN.COD, parse all GAD/INC files
python -m unittest discover parser/test

Sample output:

❯ python -m unittest discover parser/test


{'FIGUR': {0: {'Gfx': 0,
               'Id': 0,
               'Kind': <CharacterType.UNUSED: 1>,
               'Speedtyp': 0,
               'Stirbtime': 2.5},
           <Character.SOLDAT1: 2>: {'ANIM': {0: {'AnimAdd': 1,
                                                 'AnimAnz': 8,
                                                 'AnimOffs': 0,
                                                 'AnimSpeed': 80,
                                                 'Kind': <AnimationType.ENDLESS: ...

{'BAUINFRA': {<InfrastructureLevel.INFRA_SCHULE: 4>: {'BGruppe': 1,
                                                      'Minwohn': 100},
              <InfrastructureLevel.INFRA_WIRT: 5>: {'BGruppe': 1,
                                                    'Minwohn': 50},
              <InfrastructureLevel.INFRA_KIRCHE: 6>: {'BGruppe': 2,
                                                      'Minwohn': 150},
              <InfrastructureLevel.INFRA_BADE: 7>: {'BGruppe': 2,
Ran 3 tests in 4.064s


Todos for the future

  • implement include_ref in interpreter.py to support interpreting most GAD files
  • implement property_index_ref in interpreter.py to support CTRL.GAD


MIT license