TDE Remix


This project is an experimental TDE (Trinity Desktop Environment) Remix (like a Fedora Remix) and aims to offer a live and installable system based on CentOS Stream. You can download a live image and try the software, and then install it in your PC if you want. You can also customize the image starting from available scripts.

How to build the LiveCD

See a detailed description of how to build the live media.


If selinux is on, disable it during the build process:

$ sudo setenforce 0

Prepare the working directories

Clone the project to get sources:

$ git clone /<source-path>

Choose or create a /<target-path> where to put results.

Prepare the build container

Install Podman:

$ sudo dnf --assumeyes install podman

Create the container for the build enviroment:

$ sudo podman build --file=/<source-path>/Containerfile --tag=livebuild:el9

Initialize the container by running an interactive shell:

$ sudo podman run --privileged --network=host -it \ 
 --volume=/dev:/dev:ro --volume=/lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro \
 --volume=/<source-path>:/live/source:ro --volume=/<target-path>:/live/target \
 --name=livebuild-el9 --hostname=livebuild-el9 livebuild:el9 /usr/bin/bash

The container can be reused and upgraded multiple times. See Podman docs for more details.

To enter again into the build container:

$ sudo podman start -ia livebuild-el9

Build the image

Run build commands inside the container.

Prepare the kickstart file

Choose a version (eg: TDE workstation with italian support) and then create a single Kickstart file from the source code:

[] ksflatten --config /live/source/kickstarts/l10n/tde-workstation-it_IT.ks \
 --output /live/target/el9-tde-workstation.ks

Check dependencies (optional)

Run the ks-package-list command if you need to check Kickstart dependencies:

[] ks-package-list --stream 9 --format "{name}" --verbose \
 /live/target/el9-tde-workstation.ks > /live/target/el9-tde-packages.txt

Use the --help option to get more info about the tool:

[] ks-package-list --help

Create the live image

Build the .iso image by running the livemedia-creator command:

[] livemedia-creator --no-virt --nomacboot --make-iso --project='CentOS Stream' \
 --releasever=9 --tmp=/live/target --logfile=/live/target/lmc-logs/livemedia.log \

The build can take a while (30 minutes or more), it depends on your machine performances.

Remove unused resources when don't need anymore:

$ sudo podman container rm --force livebuild-el9
$ sudo podman image rm livebuild:el9

Transferring the image to a bootable media

Install live media tools:

$ sudo dnf install livecd-iso-to-mediums

Create a bootable USB/SD device using the .iso image:

$ sudo livecd-iso-to-disk --format --reset-mbr \
 /<target-path>/lmc-work-<code>/images/boot.iso /dev/sd<X>

Post-install tasks

After installation, you can remove live system resources to save space by running:

$ source /usr/local/post-install/

A Flatpak quick setup script is provided:

$ source /usr/local/post-install/

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in the file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.