- 0
Support for Rails 8
#176 opened by kirantpatil - 11
Rails 7 compatibility
#146 opened by PatrickMcSweeny - 0
textbook link appears to be broken
#175 opened by bluemoon - 4
Account Statement
#166 opened by rmatovu987 - 1
Specifying `account` for Entry results in error
#164 opened by girishso - 2
Profit and Loss statement
#162 opened by kirantpatil - 2
Voucher support for plutus
#160 opened by kirantpatil - 0
tag v0.14, v0.15, v0.16 and v0.17 missing
#161 opened by twnaing - 3
NoMethodError in Plutus::EntriesController#index
#158 opened by kirantpatil - 1
Sprockets::Rails::Helper::AssetNotPrecompiledError in Plutus::Reports#balance_sheet
#159 opened by kirantpatil - 4
- 3
Multi-tenancy and user credits
#139 opened by Amnesthesia - 1
Allow UUID fields for tenant models
#140 opened by amit - 2
Please remove jquery-ui/datepicker dependency.
#134 opened by vanboom - 2
separate models and webapp/assets
#95 opened by MathieuDerelle - 1
Support for Money cents?
#103 opened by KelseyDH - 3
- 8
- 2
- 5
Asset creation error
#94 opened by jonjonw - 1
Rails 5 Error
#129 opened by prdpspkt - 9
Sub account possible?
#54 opened by ccfiel - 1
Floating point imprecision issue
#115 opened by AkshayGoyal022 - 0
Dependencies on jquery-rails and jquery-ui-rails
#104 opened by Rhainur - 1
change tag v0.12.2 to v0.13 ?
#96 opened by MathieuDerelle - 2
`rails5` branch broken
#99 opened by jhaber1 - 2
- 2
Duplicate dependency in gemspec
#92 opened by SwagataPixie - 10
Rails 5 support
#72 opened by malachaifrazier - 1
Trying to override model using decorator
#82 opened by Rudy-Zidan - 3
Issue when using jquery-ui >= 5.0.0
#80 opened by chuz93 - 4
Uninitialized constant Plutus::Entry
#89 opened by przbadu - 1
Plutus::Tenancy does not be included
#81 opened by FX-HAO - 2
- 2 and
#67 opened by kjbkjb - 2
- 3
Not having to "switch on" tenancy
#68 opened by ramontayag - 1
- 3
Demo application or screenshots
#69 opened by holgersindbaek - 1
balance instance method giving ArgumentError Exception: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) error
#64 opened by naiyyar - 1
- 1
couldn't find file 'jquery-ui/datepicker' with type 'application/javascript'
#58 opened by vonchristian - 1
Controller Setup for Entries
#57 opened by vonchristian - 1
Creating entries for multi-tenant
#55 opened by inopinatus - 1
- 14
Various Features
#45 opened by freerobby - 3
- 3
Requiring and entry.description
#35 opened by rosskevin - 5
Multi-tenancy configurable attribute name
#37 opened by rosskevin - 2