
This repository contains code snippets showcasing the working of Mongo DB with python

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains code snippets showcasing the working of Mongo DB with python


Compute the station_name of the station_id 327 as well as its number of available_bikes at time "2019/06/09 12:15:00".


Given a concrete time and station_id passed as parameters (variables my_time and my_station_id, respectively), compute the station_name with such id as well as its number of available_bikes at that given time.


Given a concrete time and zipcode passed as parameters (variables my_time and my_zipcode, respectively), compute the station_name of all stations having such zipcode, including the number of available_bikes of each of them at that given time. Order the results by decreasing order in the number of available_bikes.


Considering only the subset of documents of the dataset where station_status = "In Service" and available_bikes = 0, compute the amount of documents (num_measurements) per station_id. Present the results including only the station_id with highest number of documents (highest num_measurements).


Each station_id belongs to a single borough. Compute the number of different station_id per borough. Order the results by decreasing amount of stations and, in case of tie, by lexicographic order in the borough name.


Given a concrete station_id and num_hours passed as parameters (variables my_station_id and my_num_hours, respectively), and considering only the subset of documents of the dataset where station_status = "In Service" and station_id = my_station_id:

  • Compute the percentage of documents with available_bikes = 0 for each hour of the day (e.g., for the period [8am, 9am) the percentage is 15.06% and for the period [9am, 10am) the percentage is 27.32%).
  • Sort the percentage results in decreasing order.
  • Present the results only with the top num_hours documents.


  • Head over to Mongodb cloud to configure Mongo DB.

  • create a .env with the contents

  • open terminal

  • cd into the file content folder

  • run virtualenv venv

  • run source venv/bin/activate

  • run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the dependencies

  • run only once load_dataset.py via python3 load_dataset.py to load the stations_dataset.json to your collection

  • run the other files EXERCISE*