This repository is a personal and (more or less) structured collection of my experiments, ideas and notes of how I use Sonic Pi. As this it will be under permanent construction. Much of this is borrowed and/or inspired by other people.
Sonic Pi is - among others - a live coding environement created by Sam Aaron. For a thorough introduction to Sonic Pi it is best to download and install the program and work through the inbuild tutorial.
A preliminary outline of issues I have in mind and will gradually complete:
- Control rhythmic and melodic processes in time
- Manipulate sound
- Filters
a filter- Echo and break
- Noise to music using
- Hall-Schwanz
- Synths
(frequency modulation)control
a running synthcontrol
and samples- Volume (Blending)
- Fake L(ow)F(requency)O(sscilator)
- Drums
- Kick Sound Synthesis
- Drums and Fill-ins
- Techno Kick and Hihat Patterns
- Miscellaneous musical ideas and effects
- Percussion with noise
and rhythmreverb
- Echo and canon
- Layered samples with different rates
- Music and chance
- Working with Samples
(I will write in English. This is not my first language. If you find errors and misspellings ignore it or let me know so I can fix that and improve my English.)