
Puzzle Platformer created using the Godot engine

Primary LanguageGDScript

Shadow Of Deception

A Puzzle Platformer developed using the Godot engine.

After seeing this pixel art tileset and demo from 0x72, I just knew that I wanted to recreate it in the Godot Engine. This game is a puzzle-platformer, where you move around and solve problems by hitting mirrors, switches and fireballs.

This was my first game created using the Godot engine. The Godot engine uses GDScript which is a python-like programming language.

This was a huge learning experience. I’ve learned a lot by creating this game in terms of programming and the Godot engine itself.

Play at Itch.io or NEWGROUNDS

Things I would do differently next project:

  • Create a full state machine
  • Use global scripts rather then excessive over use of signals
  • Name function better

The Controls:

  • Arrow keys to move around
  • Z - Resets Level
  • X - Attack
  • C - Jump


  • Godot Engine
  • Aseprite


  • Three playable levels