Entry for Crop Alert Challenge for the 2015 International Space App Challenge
The code is the result of about 20 hours of work and therefore in a very experimental state.
- Support for SMS
- Integration of other projects (and challenges) (e.g. human diseases, wood fires etc.)
- Crofters with no mobile phone?
- Internationalisation
- Push notifications
- Pest spreading speed index -> adapt radius according to spread rate
- integrate weather data like wind speed to guide notification process
- Pest identification advise / allow supervision by scientific professionals
- provide separate interface for scientific investigation and help
- effectiveness of measures and which circumstances
- help identification of new pests
- Security
- disguise as other user
- file wrong reports to make land appear less arable
- improve reporting
- what measures taken
- how much of the land is infected
- update history of reports for time analysis (or: farming diary)
- transfer of report/croft ownership in case of a broken phone
- Keeping track of old/obsolete reports -> automated asking if problem still persists
- Handle use case where farmer changes his phone number
- Usability improvement of website and Android app -> work together with designers