
[release] 5.1.2

Closed this issue · 0 comments

The following checklist covers the post-curation steps that should be performed when releasing a new data model version and syncing content to the Cancer Complexity Knowledge Portal (CCKP).


Closing this ticket will create a new release!

Before closing, ensure that all relevent PRs have been merged into main and that each PR has been labeled with either major, minor or patch.

Data model

  • Add updates to a new branch in the data-models repo
  • Make a PR to merge updates into main
  • Verify CSV and JSON-LD were updated and added to branch or build and add manually
  • Review and merge PR to main

Data Curator Config

  • Update data model and dca-template-config.json version number in data_curator_config/MC2/dca_config.json

Additional comments

Patch release, associated with PR #88