
This is the third project submission for Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Program.

Primary LanguagePython

Multi User Blog

This is a multi user blog project built with Google App Engine SDK for Python. It's a basic blog with a front page that lists all the blog posts that have their own pages with Comments and Likes. Users must to be registered and logged in in order to post, comment and like another's posts. All security issues were handled for user registration and login, with cookies setted correctly and hashed stored passwords.

You can see a live version of this project running here

This is the third project submission for Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Program.


In order to run and make changes to this project, you'll need:


To run this project locally:

  • Make sure you have the Google App Engine SDK intalled and running
  • Download all the files to your machine
  • Starts the Google Cloud SDK Shell
  • Inside the project directory use the command dev_appserver.py .
  • Opens your localhost in a browser: the correct address will appear after server starts in Shell. Probably http://localhost:8080.

To send/deploy this project to you Google Cloud App Engine:

  • Starts the Google SDK Shell
  • Inside the project directory use the command gcloud app deploy
  • Follow the steps
  • To open the cloud app in your browser use gcloud app browse


Understanding the files:

blog.py This is the module for handlers.

posts.py This is the module for posts data - db.model.

users.py This is the module for users data - db.model, functions and data validations.

app.yaml This is the configuration file for the app.

the templates folder These are the HTML files for all the pages of the project.

the static folder Just the CSS file and the Favicon icon.

Built With