
Documenting Microsoft Catapult FPGA board (v2: Pikes Peak)


Reverse-engeneering and documenting Microsoft Catapult FPGA board (v2: Pikes Peak) so one can use it as a readily available and cheap development kit for Intel Stratix V FPGA.

Overview of project Catapult

Project Catapult (microsoft.com)
Large-Scale Reconfigurable Computing in a Microsoft Datacenter (PDF)
The Catapult Project - An FPGA view of the Data Center (PDF)

There's several versions of Catapult board. The one we're working here is the OpenCloud Mezzanine Card (aka v2 "Pikes Peak", Microsoft p/n X900563-001):

Known p/n for this board:

  • X900563-001 (Microsoft OEM p/n)
  • 834147-001 PCA, WCS FPGA PCIe Mezz Card, also 838874-001 (HP p/n)
  • Dell CRD CTL FPGA PKPK WCS K5K73 AIRFLOW 0K5K73 (Dell p/n)

Overview of Catapult FPGA board v2 "Pikes Peak"

Main features

  • Intel Stratix V GS (DSP-optimized), p/n 5SGSKF40I3LNAC (*see note 1)
  • 2x QSFP 40G cages
  • 9x Skhynix H5TC4G83BFR 8-bit 4Gb DDR3L, 72-bit bus (64 bit + ECC)
  • 2x PCIe Gen3 8x, routed to the Samtec connector

Note 1: See "FPGA part mystery".

FPGA part number mystery

Judging by Microsoft papers, it’s supposed to be 5SGSD5, but the actual part (5SGSKF40I3LNAC) p/n not following Intel part numbering scheme for Stratix V. There's hardly any info for this p/n online, here's the only Intel document with this p/n: PDN2007 (thanks to @FPGA_VHDL for pointning this out).
There's also no support for such part in Quartus Prime 18.0. JTAG IDCODE for the actual part is 0x029070dd, which corresponds to 5SGSMD5H1/2/3 and 5SGSMD5K1/2/3. Actual part working well with bitstreams, generated for 5SGSMD5H* and 5SGSMD5K*, so it's unclear at the moment what's the difference between them.

Form factor

Catapult v2 "Pikes Peak" designed as Open CloudServer Tray Mezzanine Card in compliance with Open CloudServer OCS Chassis Specification Version 2.0.


Here's the markings for my board (HP branded) for reference:


  • X900563-001 (sticker, I believe it's Microsoft OEM part number for this board)
  • HP P/N:834147-001; Replace with Spare: PCA, WCS FPGA PCIe Mezz Card; [838874-001] (sticker)
  • CCIFBT6M2390105BC3A039A (sticker, s/n?)


  • P/N DAT6MTHMECO Rev: C (top, silkscreen)
  • NLJ54708033 (top, sticker)
  • C3A; 3KT6MMA0090 (top, sticker)
  • Microsoft (bottom, silkscreen)
  • NLJ54708033 (bottom, sticker)


Unfortunately, there's no mechanical specifications for Tray Mezzanine Card in Open CloudServer standard, so, here's my initial measurements.

  • Dimensions: approx. 154x87x29mm
  • Weight: approx. 210g


See bom.xlsx.

FPGA pins

See fpga_io.xlsx.

Twitter user @occamlab shared with us some information about FPGA pins designations (especially PCIe and QSFP Tx), but I didn't have a chance to check them.


USB connector J3 pinout (thanks to Jan Marjanovič for sharing his RE efforts):

There's some vague mentions online that one can use FT232H as a ByteBlaster by changing its VID/PID by modifying driver files or installing external ROM chip to the board (U12).

Right now you can use it with OpenOCD to check IDCODE:

OpenOCD config file for FT232H:

# TCK:  D0
# TDI:  D1
# TDO:  D2
# TMS:  D3
# TRST: D4
# SRST: D5

interface ftdi
ftdi_vid_pid 0x0403 0x6014
ftdi_layout_init 0x0078 0x017b
adapter_khz 1000
ftdi_layout_signal nTRST -ndata 0x0010 -noe 0x0040
ftdi_layout_signal nSRST -ndata 0x0020 -noe 0x0040
# change this to 'transport select swd' if required
transport select jtag


I've been able to connect an actual USB ByteBlaster after soldering to following pins:

OCS Tray Mezzanine adapter

Jan Marjanovič designed adapter for this board: https://github.com/j-marjanovic/ocs-tray-mezzanine-adapter.

Additional resources