
Created with CodeSandbox

Primary LanguageTypeScript


url - https://compassionate-hypatia-34d1cf.netlify.app/

  • open a tab. Notice that its state is "focused" and "opened"
  • click the "open another tab" button
  • notice that tab is now "focused" and "opened" and has the previous tab in the "opened" section with a state of "blurred" and "opened"
  • open a number of other tabs
  • split your windows so that multiple are visible at the same time
  • click between windows and notice that the state of the tab updates as you click (this is the window "focus" and "blur" events firing)
  • click on another application. All tabs show now be "blurred" as they're not focused
  • close one of the tabs. that tab should now appear in the "closed" section


Interesting but not part of POC