There are perfoming PMP (point maximal Power) optimization continiuosly.
I use STM32F103C8T6 mini board (blue pill), STM32CubeMX 6.2.1, EWARM IAR v9.10.1
PA6 - analog input for measuring a voltage
PA7 - analog input for measuring a current
PA9 - PWM output to invertor control
PC13 - LED to 3V3 for PWM duty cycle limit indication
define PMP_TICK_PERIOD 500
time in ms between PMP optimizations
120/1024 (htim1.Init.Period = 1024) - duty cycle at microcontroller start
define DUTY_STEP 10
duty cycle step
define DUTY_CYCLR_MAX 768
768/1024 up limit
define DUTY_CYCLR_MIN 150
150/1024 down limit
An ADC conversion is launched every PMP_TICK_PERIOD
from sysTick interrupt . It perform 6 sample in that sequence: U, I, U, I, U, I.
There are runs callback sample_handling()
as soon as DMA getting that samples. This routine calculate average I and U, consumtion power,
then it compare with previous values and make correct a duty cycle by __HAL_TIM_SET_COMPARE
If duty cycle achieve a limits a change is blocked.