
Custom QMK Keymap for my Anne Pro 2 Keyboard

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Custom QMK Keymap for my Anne Pro 2 Keyboard

Only C15 revision built and tested so far. This is REALLY work-in-progress

Build and Installation Instructions

1- Generate the builder image

$ cd qmk_build && podman build -t qmk/builder:latest .

2- Run the builder image to assemble the firmware

To build the vanilla QMK image...

$ mkdir -p /tmp/output
$ podman run --rm --name qmk_builder -v <repo_basepath>/:/custom/:z -v /tmp/output:/target/:z qmk/builder:latest /tmp/build-vanilla.sh

To build the vial-qmk fork image...

$ mkdir -p /tmp/output
$ podman run --rm --name qmk_builder -v <repo_basepath>/:/custom/:z -v /tmp/output:/target/:z qmk/builder:latest /tmp/build-vial.sh

3- Flash images

After booting the keyboard in IAP mode (insert USB cable while presing ESC):

$ annepro2_tool --boot /tmp/output/<annepro2_c15_keymap_firmware.bin>
$ annepro2_tool --boot -t led /tmp/output/<annepro2_c15_shine_firmware.bin>