
ArgoCD Cluster Setup

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This repo contains manifests and kustomization template to install, maintain and configure OpenShift 4 features with ArgoCD.

Pre-Setup Requirements

Installation is managed by Kustomization templates. Openshift 4.3+ is required.

  1. Add ArgoCD catalog source and create Namespace
  $ oc create -n openshift-marketplace -f argocd/argocd-catalog-source.yaml
  $ oc new-project argocd
  1. Deploy Infrastructure prerequisites (rbac roles, service accounts, security contexts)
  $ oc apply -k argocd/infra
  1. Deploy the ArgoCD Operator
  $ oc apply -k argocd/operator

After a while, the operator will be installed and configured accordingly:

  ^ >> oc get pods -n argocd
  NAME                                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
  argocd-operator-f89f6b6b5-f6c9g                             1/1     Running   0          16m
  prometheus-operator-56467cbcbf-lh6xs                        1/1     Running   0          16m

ArgoCD Cluster Deployment

After operators are up and running, deploy the Argo Cluster Manifest and Application Manifests

  $ oc apply -k argocd/cluster

This will deploy:

  • The Argo CD Cluster with Dex for SSO integration with Openshift
  • An "argocd-infra" Application Group
  • The "rbac", "operator" and "cluster" applications to let ArgoCD manage itself.

Add Managed Namespaces to ArgoCD Application Controller

This ArgoCD Operator Deployment is namespaced: this means that by default it only can operate in its own Namespace (argocd). To add managed namespaces to the ArgoCD cluster:

  $ argocd cluster add  $(oc config current-context) --in-cluster --system-namespace=argocd --namespace argocd --namespace openshift-monitoring --namespace openshift-user-workload-monitoring --namespace openshift-operators --namespace openshift-logging --namespace argo-amq-streams-operator --upsert

The 'namespace' switch can be used multiple times to add more namespaces, moreover if ArgoCD needs to access Cluster-Level resources, also add '--cluster-resources=true' switch to the above command. Once that command completes, the ArgoCD cluster should be able to work on required namespaces:

  $ argocd cluster list
  SERVER                                         NAME                                                                       VERSION  STATUS      MESSAGE
  https://kubernetes.default.svc (6 namespaces)  openshift-monitoring/api-cluster-0894-sandbox1221-opentlc-com:6443/mcaimi  1.22     Successful

  $ argocd cluster get https://kubernetes.default.svc
      insecure: true
    attemptedAt: "2021-11-26T09:48:32Z"
    message: ""
    status: Successful
    applicationsCount: 7
      apisCount: 200
      lastCacheSyncTime: "2021-11-26T09:44:15Z"
      resourcesCount: 696
      attemptedAt: "2021-11-26T09:48:32Z"
      message: ""
      status: Successful
    serverVersion: "1.22"
  name: openshift-monitoring/api-cluster-0894-sandbox1221-opentlc-com:6443/mcaimi
  - argocd
  - openshift-monitoring
  - openshift-user-workload-monitoring
  - openshift-operators
  - openshift-logging
  - argo-amq-streams-operator
  server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
  serverVersion: "1.22"

Deployment of Additional OCP Components with ArgoCD

Additional components can be deployed as ArgoCD Applications by deploying the relevant manifests:

  • Local Development Users
  • Elasticsearch
  • Jaeger Tracing
  • Kiali
  • Istio Operator
  • Istio Control Plane
  • Openshift Pipelines Operator (Tekton)
  • Openshift Serverless (KNative)
  • Kubernetes NMState Operator (Tech Preview)
  • RedHat Codeready Workspaces
  • RedHat Advanced Cluster Manager
  • Camel-K

argocd console screenshot

To install these components, deploy with kustomize:

  1. Local development users
$ oc apply -k apps/config

This will create an htpasswd-based OAuth provider with two users: a "developer" user with no specific roles granted, and a "localadmin" user with cluster-admin roles. Passwords are the same as the username. To modify these users, look inside ocp-config/auth/htpasswd-secret.yaml.

  1. Elasticsearch Operator

    $ oc apply -k apps/elasticsearch
  2. Jaeger Operator

    $ oc apply -k apps/jaeger
  3. Kiali Operator

    $ oc apply -k apps/kiali
  4. Service Mesh Operator

Service Mesh Installation is split into two distinct steps: first thing is to deploy the Istio Operator:

$ oc apply -k apps/servicemesh

once that has successfully finished, deploy the Istio Control Plane:

$ oc apply -k apps/istio-ctlplane
  1. Openshift Pipelines Operator

    $ oc apply -k apps/ocp-pipelines
  2. Openshift Serverless

    $ oc apply -k apps/serverless
  3. Camel-K

deploy the operator:

$ oc apply -k apps/camelk
  1. Advanced Cluster Manager

    $ oc apply -k apps/acm

after the deployment of the operator has finished, deploy the Cluster Hub

$ oc apply -k apps/acm-clusterhub
  1. Kubernetes NMState Operator

deploy the operator:

$ oc apply -k apps/nmstate

then deploy the NMState Instance:

$ oc apply -k apps/nmstate-instance
  1. RedHat Codeready Workspaces

deploy the operator:

$ oc apply -k apps/codeready

then deploy the Codeready Cluster

$ oc apply -k apps/codeready-cluster
  1. Openshift Logging

deploy the operator:

$ oc apply -k apps/logging-operator

then deploy the logging instance

$ oc apply -k apps/logging-instance
  1. Openshift Cluster Monitoring Configuration

deploy the configmaps

$ oc apply -k apps/monitoring