Manage your ever-growing porn collection
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- Fork & create a new branch, give it the name of your feature you're implementing (e.g. "my-new-feature") & submit a pull request
- EASY, portable (no install) setup (see. How to run)
- Cross-platform (Win, Linux, Mac)
- Works on any somewhat-modern device including tablets and smartphones
- Self hosted, fully open source
- Serves image and video to your device
- Built-in video player
- Browse, manage & watch scenes
- Browse & manage actors, including actor aliases
- Automatic actor extraction from scene titles & file names
- Browse & manage movies
- Browse & manage studios (+ parent studios!)
- Automatic studio extraction from scene titles & file names
- Browse, manage & view images
- Set and jump to time markers
- Label your collection, including sub-labels
- Automatic label extraction from scene titles & file names
- Search, filter and sort your collection
- Rate items, mark as your favorites & bookmark items
- Custom data fields
- Extend actor info with any kind of data (hair color, retired, etc.)
- Automatic thumbnail generation on scene import
- Optional password protection in LAN
You can do everything you can do with scenes (e.g. rate/favorite/bookmark/label) with images as well - useful if you run an image collection only.