- run
rake fetch_update:nashville
to pull the updates manually. (This should be handled daily at 10:00am CST by Heroku Scheduler) - run
rake daily_updates:manually_send_subscriber_emails
to manually send the latest update to all subscribers. - run
rake daily_updates:send_todays_update
to pull test sending the admin mailer when there's not a new update (this is scheduled for 11am CST).
- heroku pg:backups:capture
- heroku pg:backups:download
- pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -d coronavirus_development latest.dump
- rails db:migrate
- then optionally delete the "latest.dump" file in the root directory
heroku run rails c
s = Subscriber.find_by_email("abc@xyz.com")
Create a mailer to send admins warnings if something hasn't posted
- Simplest way might be a rake task that triggers a mailer to admin at 11am if there is not an update today (if Update.last date != today, etc.)
Set up a subscriber email list that sends a daily update mailer with the latest numbers
- possible to embed a graph into this as well?
- Include 7 day moving averages on charts (at least new cases)