
The genre transfer pipeline system.


The system has only been tested on the GNU/Linux operating system. I cannot comment on whether it works on Windows/Mac or not (though I suspect it should—provided you have access to the same command-line utilities).


  • GNU Bash
  • Python 3.6+
  • FFmpeg
  • Nvidia GPU with CUDA 10+


All code dependencies can be installed by running the following. It's recommended to create a virtual environment before installing it.

pip install -r requirements.txt


Refer to for training the spec-reconstruction part of the pipeline and for training the style-transfer system. Instead of mel spectrograms, CQT spectrograms must be used. These can be created using wav-to-spec/


Running inference on a single 22.05kHZ piece of music can be done.

./ #Processes a single file to make it ready for the system

After pre-processing the system can be run provided there are relevant trained and saved models set up for the genre you need.

./ [genre1] [genre2] #Runs the entire system, giving you the ability to perform genre transfer.


This project incorporates the MIT License for the code located in the spec-reconstruction directory and the BSD License for code located in the style-transfer directory. All other code is licenced via the MIT license.