
A simple Python 3.4 program that can be copied into a folder at the top of any Redfish mockup and can serve Redfish requests on the specified IP/port.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Copyright 2016-2020 DMTF. All rights reserved.

The Redfish mockup server

The Redfish mockup server, redfishMockupServer.py, runs at a specified IP address and port or at the default IP address and port,, and serves Redfish GET, PATCH, POST, and DELETE requests and implements the SubmitTestEvent action.

Prerequisite software

  • Python 3.4 or later

    If Python 3.4 or later is not already installed, download Python for your operating system.

    Verify the Python installation:

    $ python --version

    Ensure that Python 3.4 or later is in your path.

  • pip

    If pip is not installed, install it:

    $ curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py
    $ python get-pip.py

    Upgrade pip and then verify the pip installation:

    $ pip install --upgrade pip
    $ pip --version
  • Required Python packages

    Install the required Python packages:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Start the server

To start the server, run redfishMockupServer.py from your command shell:

$ python redfishMockupServer.py -D <DIR>


  • -D <DIR> is the absolute or relative path to the mockup directory from the current working directory (CWD). Default is the CWD.

For example, if you copy redfishMockupServer.py to the MyServerMockup9 folder, run this command to start the server on port 8001:

$ python redfishMockupServer.py -p 8001 -D ./MyServerMockup9

Note: You can run the server can accept tall or short mockups:

Form Description Note
Tall The version resource, /redfish, is at the top of the mockup directory structure. Default is tall form.
Short The service root resource, /redfish/v1/, is at the top of the mockup directory structure. Use the -S option to run in short form.

redfishMockupServer usage

usage: redfishMockupServer.py [-h] [-H HOST] [-p PORT] [-D DIR] [-E] [-X]
                              [-t TIME] [-T] [-s] [--cert CERT] [--key KEY]
                              [-S] [-P]

Serve a static Redfish mockup.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOST, --host HOST, --Host HOST
                        hostname or IP address (default
  -p PORT, --port PORT, --Port PORT
                        host port (default 8000)
  -D DIR, --dir DIR, --Dir DIR
                        path to mockup dir (may be relative to CWD)
  -E, --test-etag, --TestEtag
                        (unimplemented) etag testing
  -X, --headers         load headers from headers.json files in mockup
  -t TIME, --time TIME  delay in seconds added to responses (float or int)
  -T                    delay response based on times in time.json files in
  -s, --ssl             place server in SSL (HTTPS) mode; requires a cert and
  --cert CERT           the certificate for SSL
  --key KEY             the key for SSL
  -S, --short-form, --shortForm
                        apply short form to mockup (omit filepath /redfish/v1)
  -P, --ssdp            make mockup SSDP discoverable

Release process

To create a release of the Redfish mockup server:

  1. Update CHANGELOG.md with the list of changes since the last release.
  2. Update the tool_version variable in redfishMockupServer.py to the new version of the tool.
  3. Push changes to GitHub.
  4. Create a release in GitHub.