piction migrate

testing out migration from piction to resourcespace


  • set up importer_config.json
    • includes these items:
    • rs_base_url
    • username (for the authorized RS user)
    • api_key (the user's api key to rs)
    • mappings: a dict containing per-category subdicts of csv column headers (piction metadata fields) to RS field IDs. e.g.
    { "art collection" :
      { "PICTION UMO ID":120 }
  • export/prepare csv per piction collection (headers have to match at least what's in the config json dict for that collection)
  • run piction_fixer.py my_category.csv to add metadata from category names (e.g. "summer fest 2007") in case there's minimal/no user-entered metadata (this will only work with certain collections, i.e. not the art collection)
  • run migrator.py new my_category_enhanced.csv on a single collection csv. This creates a sqlite database for that collection
  • run migrator.py marry my_category_enhanced.csv on a single collection csv. This creates a new csv based on files.sqlite that also includes filepaths from the piction backup hard drive.
  • run importer.py my_category my_category_married.csv to post the assets to resourcespace.


pip3 install requests