Systems for ML/AI & ML/AI for Systems paper reading list: A curated reading list of computer science research for work at the intersection of machine learning and systems. PR are welcome.
- adicatanaImperial College London
- albulushi
- AmedeoSapioAWS
- ChenjunZoualibaba-inc
- chrisek
- egolearner
- feihugis@Microsoft
- ganlerUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- jhcloos
- JonesZengXian Jiaotong University
- Karbit中国
- kfertakisImperial College London
- lancifolliaKakao
- lcy-sesoMSRA
- luomaiUniversity of Edinburgh
- mblo@SAP
- mcaniniKAUST
- mengxi-ascentAscent Robotics
- noaz
- paper2code-bot@paper2code
- paul-hpshenzhen
- petertheprocess
- prpLondon, United Kingdom
- prpankajsinghIITB
- rainfld
- ryanhuang1014Nanjing University
- SacusaUniversity of Rochester
- saurabhjha1IBM Research
- segeljaktKTH Royal Institute of Technology
- txhan
- weisystak
- woojinnnKAIST
- wydwwwHong Kong
- xmh645214784Tsinghua University
- zmxdreamBaidu