
An open source Linux-based DSP server for audio applicatons.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Open Signal Processing Workstation

The OSPW is a Linux-based open software platform, designed for rapid prototyping and the development of digital signal processing (DSP) audio algorithms and corresponding user interfaces (UIs).

Hardware Requirements

The OSPW can run on any computer capable of running the following software components:

  • Any Linux Distribution with ALSA Support
  • Pd
  • Node.js

Installation Instructions

The OSPW components in this repository should be installed on a freshly setup Linux operating system. Before setting up the OSPW, make sure to install Pd and Node.js.

  • To install the OSPW, clone this Repository to your home directory: git clone https://github.com/clemofi/ospw.git
  • cd into the created ospw directory
  • Install the Node.js dependencies: npm install
  • Install the ui submodule: git submodule update --init --recursive
  • In the file ospw.sh correct the path to match your location of the file
  • Make the file ospw.sh executable: chmod a+x ospw.sh

For starting the OSPW on boot, different methods can be used, depending on the linux distribution. There is a systemd service file in the install folder, that has to be customized manually or with the setup-service.js script. After editing, this file has to be placed in one of the locations that are used by sytemd, for example /etc/systemd/user. There the permissions have to be set and the service can be enabled.

  • cd install
  • node setup-service.js
  • sudo cp ospw.service /etc/systemd/user/
  • sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  • sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/user/ospw.service
  • sudo systemctl enable ospw

On some Linux distributions, PulseAudio can be a problem for Pd. For the OSPW to work, it is advised to deactivate PulseAudio. This can be achieved by adding the line autospawn = no to /etc/pulse/client.conf.


To start the OSPW Server, simply run the ospw.sh script or directly via node: node server.js from the main OSPW folder.

From a client device, connect to the OSPW through a network connection and open the OSPW Web interface in a browser by entering its IP address or hostname and port 8888 (e.g. ospw.local:8888).

There the demo applications can be tested. They consist of a 16 Channel Insert Mixer, a binaural renderer and a multichannel reverb. Additionally, custom Pd patches can be uploaded to and run by the OSPW.

For the creation of custom Pd patches, the standard audio in- and outputs can be used. To get the OSPW to automatically create interface objects, create a string (in a Pd comment) for each parameter that has to be controllable.

The syntax for the string is /ospw/x/y/widgettype/parameterName/initValue

  • The string has to start with '/ospw'
  • x and y are grid coordinates for placing the object within a symmetric grid
  • /widgettype defines the generated interface object. Possible values are button, toggle, number, dial, hslider, vslider
  • /parameterName can be chosen freely and results in the rendered widget label
  • /initValue initializes the interface object with the entered value