
Bash and Fish scripts to set up multiple development environments through WSL2

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Bash and Fish scripts to set up multiple development environments through WSL2.

The purpose is not to install the development tools/SDKs in your WSL2 distro, but to provide scripts to keep your multiple environments even/equalized. To split development environments into several WSL2 distro helps to keep each one clean and lighter.

How it works/helps

  • When you log in, the .wsl\etc\fish\default.fish or .wsl\etc\sh\default.sh will execute.
    • This file will execute the <distro name>.fish or <distro>.sh and <username>.fish or <username>.sh scripts.
    • This way you can set environment variables and execute initial scritps by distro, user or to all of them.
  • It sets the DISPLAY environment variable so you can user X apps (you need a windows X server until MS release 21H2)
  • It adds an entries in the windows hosts file with the pattern <distro name>.wsl resolving to the wsl IP. This way, you can access your distro through domain and don't have to worry if the IP changes. Example:
    ping ubuntu.wsl
  • The configuration files are all in one place, so it's easy to find and change for all distros.
  • The code explains better than me :). Look at the examples provided.

How to Install

  1. Download de release.
  2. Install oh-my-fish or oh-my-bash (for fish or bash shell respectivily)
  3. If you are using fish and SDKMAN, install reitzig/sdkman-for-fish
  4. Extract the release into your choosen directory (I've choose C:\User\<username>) .wsl location
  5. If using fish
  • remove the directories:
# rm -fr ~/.config/fish
# rm -fr ~/.config/omf
  • create the symbolick links
# ln -sf ~/winhome/.wsl/etc/fish/config/fish ~/.config/fish
# ln -sf ~/winhome/.wsl/etc/fish/config/omf ~/.config/omf
# ln -sf ~/winhome/.wsl/etc/fish/default.fish ~/.config/fish/config.fish
  1. If using bash, edit the .bashrc file and add the follow line just before the line that loads OMB:
source $WIN_HOME/.wsl/etc/bash/default.sh

source $OSH/oh-my-bash.sh
  1. (warning: security issue) Change the permission to allow your user to write the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
  2. Set the environment variables to point WSL_HOME to the folder <drive>:\<wherever you extracted>\.wsl and WSLENV to inform WSL which envvars it should bring from windows to the WSL distro (don't forget the /p at end to translate the path. More, click here) Windows Environment Variables

How to Use

Listing WSL Distros

  • For each WSL2 distro you have, create a sh or fish file in .wsl\etc\<shell> with the (lower case) distro name as the file name. Example:
    • .wsl\etc\fish\ubuntu.fish or
    • .wsl\etc\sh\ubuntu.sh
  • For each username you use in your WSL2 distro, create a sh or fish file in .wsl\etc\<shell> with the (lower case) username as the file name. Example:
    • .wsl\etc\fish\root.fish or
    • .wsl\etc\sh\root.sh


Java Environment with SDKMAN!, Fast Node Manager and X IDE

Java Environment JetBrains IDEA Community

.Net Core Enviroment

.Net Environment

DNS Entries

Hosts File PING