
The getting started sample demonstrates how to perform common tasks (CRUD operations) using the Azure Blob Service in Go.

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#Getting Started with Azure Blob Service in Go

This example demonstrates how to use the Blob Storage service with Go. If you don't have a Microsoft Azure subscription you can get a FREE trial account here.


###Using Azure Storage Emulator

  1. Download, install and run the Azure Storage Emulator.
  2. Get the Azure SDK for Go using command go get -u github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go
  3. Get this sample using command go get -u github.com/Azure-Samples/storage-blob-go-getting-started
  4. Compile and run the sample.

###Using Storage Service

  1. Create a storage account through the Azure Portal.
  3. Get the Azure SDK for Go using command go get -u github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go
  4. Get this sample using command go get -u github.com/Azure-Samples/storage-blob-go-getting-started
  5. Depending on if you prefer running the sample against Azure or Azure Storage Emulator, comment / uncomment these lines in the blobSamples function in storageExample.go.
credentials, err := getCredentials(emulator)
// credentials, err := getCredentials(account)
  1. If using the Storage Emulator, verify it is already running.
  2. Compile and run the sample.

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