Yahtzee Kata


Yahtzee is a dice game. We will implement the rules of the game step by step.


Step 1

The game is played with 5 dice. Each roll of the dice must be attributed to a category that allows to compute a score:

Category Score Example
Aces The sum of dice with the number 1 11356 scores 2
Twos The sum of dice with the number 2 13222 scores 6
Thirds The sum of dice with the number 3 53331 scores 9
Fours The sum of dice with the number 4 41234 scores 8
Fives The sum of dice with the number 5 55555 scores 25
Sixes The sum of dice with the number 6 65432 scores 6

If no dice corresponds to the attributed category the resulting score is 0.

The goal of this step is to create a library that can compute the score of a given roll of the dice.

Step 2

The goal of this step is to create a simple application (e.g. a console) that allows a single player to play a single game of Yahtzee:

  • a random roll of the dice is displayed by the application.
  • the user is asked to attribute a category to each roll. The selected category must not have been attributed before.
  • a score is computed for this roll and added to the overall score of the game.
  • start over until all categories have been used.

Step 3

The previous categories (cf. Step 1) being called Upper section categories, the goal of this step is to implement Lower section categories:

Category Constraint Score Example
Three Of A Kind At least 3 dice are the same The sum of all dice 44412 scores 15
Four Of A Kind At least 4 dice are the same The sum of all dice 33133 scores 13
Full House 3 dice are the same and the 2 remaining are also the same, but different from the 3 first 25 52552 scores 25
Small Straight 4 sequential dice 30 13456 scores 30
Large Straight 5 sequential dice 40 12345 scores 40
Yahtzee The 5 dice are the same 50 22222 scores 50
Chance Any combination The sum of all dice 16431 scores 15

If the roll does not fulfill the constraints of the attributed category the resulting score is 0.

Step 4

Bonuses can be gained throughout the game:

  • if the player scores 63 points or more in the Upper section categories, a bonus of 35 is added to the overall score.
  • if the player throws a Yahtzee when the Yahtzee category has already been attributed with a score of 50, a bonus of 100 is added to the overall score. The player still has to attribute a category to the roll.
    • if the Upper section categories have all been filled, the Full House, Small Straight and Full Straight categories can be selected (provided they have not been attributed before) and get their full score even though the roll does not fulfill the constraints of this category (Joker rule).

The goal of this step is to implement the bonuses and the Joker rule.

Step 5

The goal of this step is to give the ability to the player to throw the dice 3 times in each round:

  • the first throw involves the 5 dice.
  • the second and third throws are optional and can involve any of the five dice.

Step 6

The goal of this step is to play against the computer.