
Project for CS 361 Group 3 Fall 2017

Primary LanguageJavaScript

E voting Node.js Express and Pug Web / Mobile Application


Requires Node.js 6.x

For those of you installing on your VM follow these instructions. For those of you running on the school server, you cannot sudo and shouldn't need to. Resort to the instructions from 290 for installing the proper version of node if you get stuck.

curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Services set up

$ npm install 

If any depencies do not install upon running npm install please edit the package.json to be effective for additional developers.

Running the service from your dev environment

$ node server.hs

For those of you on flip, you will need to be VPN'd into the OSU server and your web addres will be something along the lines of flip3.engr.oregonstate.edu:port#

For those of you running a VM your web address will be the IP address of your virtual machine :port# so something like

Running Tests

Deployment to ???