My first go project and the mission is, to sort through my 100,000 mp3 files in different places and find duplicates and missing files from my main library.
The scan phase will populate a postgres DB with
- filename
- size
- md5 hash
- ID3 tags
- MD5 hash of only the music data (calculated by the ID3 library)
brew install postgres
- create your files db
- edit code and change the postgres URL (the user is your unix user)
- compile and
filescanner init
filescanner scan -p <path>
Will populate the DB with the files and if necessary their MD5 and ID3 hashes. You need to run this twice (since the MD5 generation is lazy and only will be kicked of for the current file)
filescanner scan -p <path> -s
Will read the ID3 tags and update the databse. If they already have been scanned the file will be skipped.
If you delete something on the filesystem, resync the db with
filescanner scan -p <path> -c
Finding duplicates is a multi stage manual process. See the sample SQL snippets below to get some ideas. Some outputs I used directly to move or delete, some outputs I checked before processing them.
First, query the DB producing a list of filenames (paths). Then, use the resulting list of files and pass them to the execute command.
- create a file query.txt with a select query for path names
- run
filescanner query -p ./query.txt > /tmp/output
- inspect /tmp/output if this is a reasonable set of answers
- run
filescanner execute -p /tmp/output -a unlink --dry-run
to e.g. remove all files - edit execute.go to change the destination directory for moving commands
- other actions are:
- moveID3: put files into Artist/Album or _Compilation/Album, --dry-run will produce a list of target files
- movePath: just move the files with the last two path components to a different directory (e.g. for untagged files)
- read (just show some ID3 tags for debugging)
- other actions are:
- Cobra for building the command line (
- ID3 Tag reader (
- PGX Postgres Driver (
- Concurrency with channels (see scan.go, and Bryan Mills at Gophercon 2018,
- Connection Pool see db.go
- SQL to extract file extension
update files f set extension = ( select lower((regexp_matches(f.path,'\.(\w+)$'))[1]) );
update files f set filename = ( select lower((regexp_matches(f.path,'\/([^\/]+)$'))[1]) );
- List of file types
select extension, count(*) from files group by extension having count(*) > 10 order by count(*);
- Create music file view:
create or replace view music_files as select * from files where extension in ( 'm4b', 'm4p', 'm4a', 'mp3', 'ogg') and not deleted
- Create view for heap music
create or replace view backup_music_files as select * from files where extension in ( 'm4b', 'm4p', 'm4a', 'mp3', 'ogg') and not deleted and path like '/Volumes/music/from%';
select path
from music_files
path like '/Volumes/music/from_harddisks/%'
and md5 in
(select md5 from music_files where path like '/Volumes/music/CVDL/%')
and md5 is not null
select path, md5
from music_files
path like '/Users/chris/Music/%'
and md5 in (select md5 from music_files where path like '/Users/chris/Music/%' group by md5 having count(id) > 1)
order by md5
- Files with MD5
select path from music_files
path like '/Volumes/music/from_harddisks/%'
and md5 not in (select md5 from music_files where path like '/Users/chris/Music/%')
and md5 is not null
- Find unique files (having no md5 means no other file with the same size exists and therefore must be unique)
select count(path), md5 is null
from music_files
path like '/Volumes/music/%'
group by md5 is null;
select f2.path from
files f1, files f2
f1.size = f2.size
and !=
and f1.path like '/Users/chris/Music/%'
and f2.path like '/Volumes/music/from_harddisks/%'
and f1.id3_artist = f2.id3_artist
and f1.id3_album = f2.id3_album
and f1.id3_title = f2.id3_title
and f1.id3_album_artist = f2.id3_album_artist
and (f1.id3_title is not null or f1.id3_album is not null or f1.id3_artist is not null or f1.id3_album_artist is not null)
- Album, artist and title need to be the same (and filename)
select f2.path from
music_files f1, music_files f2
f1.path like '/Users/chris/Music/%'
and f2.path like '/Volumes/music/from_harddisks/%'
and f1.id3_artist = f2.id3_artist
and f1.id3_album = f2.id3_album
and f1.id3_title = f2.id3_title
and (length(f1.id3_title) > 1)
and (length(f1.id3_album) > 1)
and (length(f1.id3_artist) > 1)
and (f1.filename = f2.filename)
- Title, Artist and filename is the same (ignore album and album artist)
select f2.path from
music_files f1, music_files f2
f1.path like '/Users/chris/Music/%'
and f2.path like '/Volumes/music/from_harddisks/%'
and f1.id3_artist = f2.id3_artist
and f1.id3_title = f2.id3_title
and (length(f1.id3_title) > 1)
and (length(f1.id3_artist) > 1)
and (f1.filename = f2.filename)
- Title and Artist are the same
select f2.path from
music_files f1, music_files f2
f1.path like '/Users/chris/Music/%'
and f2.path like '/Volumes/music/from_harddisks/%'
and f1.id3_artist = f2.id3_artist
and f1.id3_title = f2.id3_title
and (length(f1.id3_title) > 1)
and (length(f1.id3_artist) > 1)
select f2.path from
music_files f1, music_files f2
f1.path like '/Users/chris/Music/%'
and f2.path like '/Volumes/music/from_harddisks/%'
and (f1.filename = f2.filename)
and not f1.filename like '%intro%'
and not f1.filename like '%titel%'
order by f2.path;
- Finding files that are probably part of a compilation (artists on the album more than two)
select f.id3_album, f.id3_artist
from backup_music_files f
id3_album in
(select id3_album
from backup_music_files
id3_album != '' and
id3_album_artist = ''
group by id3_album
having count(distinct(id3_artist)) > 2)
order by f.id3_album, f.id3_artist;
Special album names that are false results include "Greatest Hits", "Unplugged", "Live", "Best of"