
Get Temperature Sensor data via MQTT in Homebridge

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This package is deprecated. Please use homebridge-mqtthing instead. It is more mature, better tested, and offers additional-features.


Get Temperature Sensor data via MQTT in Homebridge


sudo npm install -g homebridge-mqtt-temperature

Sample HomeBridge Configuration

  "bridge": {
    "name": "HomeBridge",
    "username": "CC:33:3B:D3:CE:32",
    "port": 51826,
    "pin": "321-45-123"

  "description": "",

  "accessories": [
      "accessory": "mqtt-temperature",
      "name": "Living Room Temperature",
      "url": "mqtt://localhost",
      "topic": "home/livingroom/temperature/value",
      "refresh_topic": "home/livingroom/temperature/get"
      "batt_topic": "home/livingroom/temperature/battery",
      "charge_topic": "home/livingroom/temperature/charge",
      "batt_low_perc": "33",
      "username": "username",
      "password": "password",
      "maxTemperature": "75",
      "minTemperature": "-25",
      "serial": "HMT-34932B"

  "platforms": []

maxTemperature and minTemperature allow you to change the default high and low temperatures.

serial allows you to change the serial number to a custom value if you need it.

batt_topic, charge_topic and bat_low_perc are for battery powered sensors.

  • batt_low_perc overrides the default 20% value.
  • charge_topic is for charging state. It requires values of either 0 or 1 for off and on respectively.

refresh_topic lets you publish to a topic to refresh the current temperature value. This is useful in cases where your device publishes infrequently and you need an update between intervals. It requires your device to monitor this topic for requests. A request will published everytime homebridge makes a request, for example on opening the app.

All seven options are are optional as well as username and password if you don't use MQTT authentication.



