This library provides Arduino support for the MCCI Catena® 4430 Animal Activity Sensor Feather Wing.
The MCCI Catena 4430 Animal Activity Tracker is an accessory for Adafruit Feather-compatible CPU boards such as the Adafruit Feather M0 or the MCCI Catena 4610. As the name suggests, it allows real-time tracking of the activity of research animals (mice, rats, and so forth) in cages. Data can be stored in an SD card and also transmitted over LoRaWAN networks such as The Things Network or Helium. Local accessories such as pellet feeders can also be controlled.
The product is available stand-alone, or built up into complete sensors, from the MCCI Store.
With an MCCI Catena 4610 mounted, the assembly looks like this:
Prior to assembly, the Catena 4430 looks like this:
The Catena 4430 adds the following functions to any compatible Feather-like board.
Passive Infrared (PIR) motion sensor. This can be mounted on the front or back or the board.
A battery-backed real-time clock (compatible with Adafruit's Adalogger FeatherWing).
An SD-card slot similar to the Adalogger, but different in a couple of ways. First the SD-card is electrically buffered going to and from the system; it can't interfere with the SPI bus when you're not using it. Second, the SD-card slot has a dedicated power supply that is off by default.
Three additional lights (red, green, and blue).
A JST XH-4 receptacle (in older units, a screw terminal) with four posts: two I/O signals, power, and ground. The power at the interconnect can be turned on and off under software control.
This class models the hardware of PCA9570 I2C GPIO expander. It has no knowledge of how the PCA9570 is wired up.
This class models the GPIOs of the Catena 4430. It understands the wiring and polarities so that clients can use method like c4330Gpios::setBlue()
to turn on the blue LED.
This class monitors the digital output from the PIR and accumulates an activity estimate.
This class simplifies the coding of periodic events driven from the Arduino loop()
The Catena 4610 has the following features.
LoRaWAN-compatible radio and software
Bosch BME280 temperature/humidity/pressure sensor
Silicon Labs Si1133 ambient light sensor
The Catena4430_Test
example sketch tests various features of the Catena 4430.
The Catena4430_Sensor
example is a completely worked remote sensor sketch with power management.
Check the extra directory for information about decoding data from LoRaWAN messages, JavaScript decoding scripts for The Things Network Console and Node-RED, and complete Node-RED flows and Grafana dashboards for saving and presenting the data using the MCCI Catena docker-ttn-dashboard
This repository is released under the MIT license. Commercial licenses are also available from MCCI Corporation.
MCCI invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support MCCI and open-source hardware by purchasing products from MCCI, Adafruit and other open-source hardware/software vendors!
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MCCI and MCCI Catena are registered trademarks of MCCI Corporation. LoRaWAN is a registered trademark of the LoRa Alliance. LoRa is a registered trademark of Semtech Corporation. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.