
Primary LanguagePython

Out of date -- need to update!


PSF characterization code repository for COSMOS-Web lensing working group. Still under active development! Comments and issues welcome.

environment.yml is @mcclearyj's Conda environment for this project; it may serve as an example for other users -- TO BE UPDATED


Make SExtractor catalogs, star catalogs, and piff and psfex PSF models for COSMOS-Web observations in *i2d format. Code also adds an ERR cutout for the source into the star catalog.

Can call get_jwst_psf.py with:

# Astromatic & PIFF config files
export CONFIGDIR='/your/path/name/cweb_psf/astro_config'
export DATADIR='/your/path/name/data/April2023'
export CODEDIR='/your/path/name/cweb_psf'

get_jwst_psf.py $DATADIR/image1 [image2 ...] -config RUN_CONFIG [-outdir OUTDIR]
          -configdir [CONFIGDIR] [--overwrite] [--help] [--vb]

positional arguments:
  image1 [image2 ...]   Images to process (wildcards OK)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -outdir OUTDIR        Where to save files [default: ./]
  -configdir CONFIGDIR  Location of SE/PSFEx/PIFF configs [default: astro_config]
  -config CONFIGFILE    Config file for running this script
  --vb                  Print detailed messages [does nothing for now]

Dependencies: numpy, re, os, astropy, matplotlib, pdb, glob, argparse, esutil


Makes number of diagnostic figures and tables for input PSFEx and/or PIFF PSF models. Imports classes from psfmaker.py and starmaker.py in diagnostics

Options include:

  • Test a PSFEx model [-psfex_model]
  • Test a PSFEx model using esheldon psfex package: [--epsfex] (default)
  • Test a PSFEx model using galsim rendering [--gpsfex] (needs -im_name too)
  • Test a PIFF model [-piff_model]
  • Test a PSFEx model with no spatial variation [-single_model]
  • Test a WebbPSF model [-webb_model]

Can call master_psf_diagnostic.py with

master_psf_diagnostic.py basedir star_cat [-h] [-min_snr MIN_SNR]
    [-pix_scale PIX_SCALE] [-outdir OUTDIR] [-psfex_name PSFEX_NAME]
    [-im_name IM_NAME] [-piff_model PIFF_NAME] [--epsfex]
    [--gpsfex] [-single_model SIMPLE_PSFEX_MODEL]
    [-webb_model WEBBPSF_MODEL] [-vignet_size] [--verbose]

positional arguments:
  basedir               Directory containing star catalogs & images
  star_cat              Cleaned-up star catalog to use for PSF diagnostic

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -min_snr MIN_SNR      Optional S/N cut for star catalog [default=None]
  -pix_scale PIX_SCALE  Image/PSF pixel scale [default=0.03]
  -outdir OUTDIR        Output directory for diagnostics [default=./psf_diagnostics]
  -psfex_name PSFEX_NAME
                        PSFEx model filename
  -im_name IM_NAME      FITS image filename for GalSim PSFEx diagnostic
  -piff_model PIFF_NAME PIFF psf model filename
  -single_model PSFEX_MODEL
                        PSFEx model with no spatial variation
  -webb_model WEBBPSF_MODEL WebbPSF model
  -vignet_size          Sub-section of star & PSF stamps to consider
  --epsfex              Run esheldon psfex diagnostic (default)
  --gpsfex              Run galsim.des_psfex diagnostic
  --verbose, -v         Verbosity

Dependencies: numpy, re, os, astropy, matplotlib, pdb, argparse, galsim, galsim.des, piff, glob, treecorr, psfex